A classic. There is a reason Pokemon Red has so many remakes, and this is the best one

"Do you feel like a hero yet?"

The addition of the claw mechanic makes clear the problems the game has with freedom and customization, almost dictating a "right" way to play

the gameplay of guitar hero without the charm. Still pretty fun

I could write a thesis about all the things that are wrong with this game, the monetization, grindfest and gambling involved just to name a few, make this one of the most vile games i've ever played. Avoid all gachas.

everything that's wrong with phone games can be traced back here

coming from God of War this game felt like garbage

Besides minor annoyances, a great mix of strategy and rythm that I never considered was possible

Still can't believe i beat this without any cheese

Used to think vice city was better, but after really giving it a try i liked them the same


An Earthbound like and colorful child drawing game hides a chilling story. It has the perfect portrayal of trauma