[Personal thoughts for my future self to retrospect to]

100%'d on 31st March 2024.
Pretty good, solid music, very fun. Gem stones stages are quite hard if you want to do them under the 'bonus' time limit.
I think it's more fun to play it any% instead of going for 100% because some parts of 100%-ing it are tedious, so I'll probably have a great time whenever I'll replay it again without going for 100%.

Fine game, had a lot of potential but some things fall flat. One of the best final boss in the Zelda franchise imo.
Also I couldn't look at the skulltulas.

Probably the worst Fire Emblem I've played. I give one star for some of the hot men in it.

Amazing cast and very enjoyable to play. Not perfect but best of the three GBA Fire Emblem.

Excellent Fire Emblem. Would be 5 stars if Shinon and Soren didn't exist.

The game that got me into Fire Emblem. Pretty good but has its issues.

Provisional review. I want to play it again / think about it when any form of discourse has definitely stopped. Crimson Flower was the most enjoyable route.

Not as bad as people say. Full of issues though.

Pretty much like Shadow Dragon. Annoying how everyone loves Kris and how he overshadow Marth.

Amazing game, only downside is some repetitive walks.

Underrated. Very enjoyable, with flaws.