this game showcases how much you can do with great design even when on a small budget. first mike bithell game i played and i loved it! constantly in awe of amazing level design and fresh use of old mechanics. the story got me emotional and i love saying that about a game with rectangles as protagonists! really cool experience, playing Thomas Was Alone feels like a lesson in game making

i finally gave up on playing Kentucky Route Zero... after so many years of starting it and dropping it over and over again

everyone says that if you like Disco Elysium this one is for you, but I didn't get that! sure the world is interesting and has a biiiit of the Disco hopelessness, but other than that i don't really see it.

this was my "before-sleep-game" for a lot of months and it really chilled me out before bed, but i guess it chilled me out too much ? i really wish i could get more into it, but it was a bit too passive for me (and i am not one to usually say that!). still, i give it a "Reccomended" because it has a distinct vibe and i'm happy i tried it.

it took me like 2 years and 2 playthroughs to finish this game but i did it ! i played it with my gf and it was a great bonding experience. i was trying to figure out why it took us so long to finish it, but tbh i think it's just that life got in the way a bit. i find it hard to talk about it right now, because it doesn't actually excite me as much as it did in the beginning. but i'll try:

the mechanics are INSANE! they keep changing every hour, i have no clue how they pulled off something like this in like 3 years of development ?!? idk Josef Fares and Hazelight are crazy, i am very happy they exist and are making actual good non-aracadey, linear, co-op games. i wish there were more games like this. it was so cool to see them exploring a mechanic to its fullest and then completely switching it up in the next level.

story-wise i wasn't into it at all. maybe because of the long breaks in-between playing, but i just didn't relate to the characters, didn't really find them funny and i thought the ending was too predictable. i felt like there was no character development or interesting character arcs, which was kinda sad. if i would've resonated more with the story i think this game would've been a 10/10 for me.

still, the innovation that It Takes Two brings is too huge to go unnoticed and i think it deserves all the praise it gets.

first things first: what was the coffee thermos ?!?!?! i questioned that during the whole game. ig health regenerates faster ??? i could never figure it out lol

i had to think a bit about how to rate this game. it took me a while to warm up to it. the beginning episodes don't do it justice, mostly because the story is just starting to pick up. the combat mechanics sound cool on paper, but they get repetitive REALLY quickly. i would say that was the main downside for me. it's tough to rate a game from 2010 with 2024 experience though, so i don't wanna focus too much on what it lacks in mechanics.

story is kinda interesting ? weird and surprising for sure, but it didn't really hit for me? the pacing was nice, a lot of diversity from the cinematics and the manuscript pages. it was enough to keep me going, but i was a bit done with it by the end. Alan has boring and generic straight-white-male vibes. some parts were so funny though, you can feel the Remedy humour and i love that! the hospital patient who was a game developer and has a breakdown about producers felt like such a meta-character. also, the QR codes ? i loved t h a t.

even though it has a couple of misses, i've never really played a game like it. it makes me super excited to play the second one tho, so it definitely did its job in my eyes.

my first RE game! it took me too long to finish it but i enjoyed it a lot. i haven't played a lot of survival horror so i don't have a lot to compare it to. took me about 18 hours to finish.

combat is insanely amazing. it felt slow at first but once i got better it was so satisfying. and the mechanics surrounding it (like the shop, treasures, resource management) work really well together. i loved that combat was chaotic and fast-paced sometimes, but also slow and strategic sometimes. in general, the pacing of the game is really on point. another amazing thing: the boss encounters! i've never seen bosses so interesting before, i was so impressed.

to some negative things: i wasn't into the characters tbh (even though i loved the story and setting!). maybe it's my fault for not playing the other games. i liked Leon and i'm okay with the mainly silent protagonist, but i felt like Ashley and Louis could've been a bit more interesting (or talked a bit more?). also, i actually didn't like the final boss :( it felt a bit too easy and not even that interesting compared to all the others.

i'm still digesting this game so i might edit the review later. overall, i stayed for the mechanics, not so much the story and characters, which actually says a lot about how good the gameplay is. while not my GOTY by any means, it felt like a polished, complete game and that feels so refreshing nowadays.

so i feel like this was my first real mobile game. i started playing it cause i couldn't sleep and it was chill to do while just laying in bed. and it probably kickstarted a long journey of playing actual good mobile games.

to go for bad stuff first: one thing i hated was the save system! i still don't know when the game actually saves, so i had to replay some parts multiple times :(

even though it's not crazy insane innovative, this game totally hooked me! it is actually scary at times and the audio design is super good. the conversation mechanic is also really cool and i haven't seen something like it before. i feel like my experience was not super deep but still really good, i'll def be playing the sequel.

i almost can't believe i finished this game! also can't believe how much my views on it have changed since i started playing. first of all, production value is insanely high, i am so so happy it got the recognition it deserves for direction and art direction in general. it is truly a piece of art. the live-action parts work incredibly well and it's just such a joy to experience it all.

but why so long, really ??? i can't tell if i just took too long to finish it or i just didn't vibe with the story. just like the first one, it has it's self-aware moments? like in the end where people in Deer Fest make comments about the meaning behind Alan's "story" or the subtle race-related commentary Saga makes in the end. but still, i can't help but feel like the writing was lacking something. at one point i felt like there was TOO MUCH EXPLAINING. let the story speak for itself, the characters don't need to always explicitly recap what's going on. since it's such a story-focused game it's hard to see past these things.

i had a lot of other small issues: level design kinda sucked sometimes, i got lost and frustrated ? combat was a bit boring and i could not find Alan's shotgun, so i played pistol-ONLY for the whole game!, mind-place was sososo bad like really i am wondering if they only kept it in so they could tie it to the ending ??? i also set the game on easy mode in the end and i'm so glad i did that.

anyways, despite all the flaws i'm glad this game exists and i got to experience it

tbh the ending is definitely making up for anything that this game lacks in gameplay. i play games to feel things and i got plenty of feels from this one. sometimes i really crave a narrative story that hits as good as this and i was really surprised at how much i cared about the characters and story by the end of it. gameplay is really rough and i had to play on easy to actually get through it. but that's okay sometimes.

this game makes me see the lack of options in this website's rating system. i find it a bit hard to put my thoughts about pentiment into words. i don't know if i have ever played a game that made me feel so interested in a world that sounds kinda boring at first glance. i learned so much from this game. about history and religion and people and psychology. it's amazing how well-written these characters are. there is no right or wrong in this story and that makes such a huge difference.

quite a passive game, but there was so much thought put into it and you could feel it in every second of the game. it felt a tiny tiny bit dragged out but i am sososo happy i stuck around for the end. it took me a long ass time to finish it but i will think about it for a long time to come !