I played on PlayStation 3 :)))

Three stars because it makes the sailing slightly less boring

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A great improvement to 0 in the gameplay department. Majima Everywhere actually made me want to do side content, and it was well worth making out dragon stance. The story I don’t know how to feel about, mainly towards the end when you’re in the millennium tower, but I’d say overall I liked the story, especially the ending. It felt perfect.

Backtracking is excessive. Other than that it’s a very good game.

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A clear improvement to the original game. I honestly didn’t really mind Sky Temple key hunting as much as others do, but I definitely think it can be streamlined in a future remaster. The only thing keeping this game from a 5* rating is that some of the bosses were pretty bad. Chykka sticks out, it’s probably one of the worst boss fights in any game I’ve played. However, the last few boss fights pick it back up and are pretty good. The dark samus 4 fight is pretty intense, and emperor ing is also with their massive attacks that can drain your health bar on veteran difficulty. All-in-all, like I said in the first sentence, this is definitely an improvement over the first game, and I hope prime 3 has similar quality, if not better.

This game is clearly flawed as a Metroid game, but when playing I can’t deny that this was the prime game I enjoyed the most.

This game was absolutely fantastic. A wonderful send-off to Travis Touchdown.Thank you suda51!

The one thing I have to say is that this has the best bosses of any Metroid game

This game was amazing. The changes made to the SMT formula are greatly appreciated, but at the same time, the game still has the challenge and feel of the rest of the series. The new semi-open world does wonders for this game, and is a good replacement for dungeons, as there’s plenty of content in the various areas you visit. From collecting miman to unique area bosses, there’s always something that kept me feeling fulfilled and engaged while playing, even if I wasn’t progressing in the story. Speaking of, the weakest link is this game is probably the writing, but I don’t find it bad or anything. It just has some off pacing and the story doesn’t really get going until the second-half of the game. But despite this, I still enjoyed the characters this game introduced, and I absolutely want to do the other routes soon (I got the neutral ending). So, to repeat the start, this game is amazing, 100% my goty, and I would highly recommend to any rpg fan who hasn’t already started.

This review was written before the game released