11 reviews liked by aces

why seek therapy when you can play celeste?

My day be so fine, then BOOM


The advanced haptics on the Dualsense controller are so immersive, I can feel Venom coming inside me!

game for people that still listen to Eminem

i've never felt more alive than when i almost spiked my 360 controller on the ground after killing ornstein and smores

So glad this came out, I missed the time when licensed games were incredibly horrible and abhorrent messes.

shits harder than elden ring but at least i can crucify koroks

Okay, you can't dress Link up like a girl in this one. But a cutscene of him being grabbed by mechanical tentacles happens multiple times and that's probably the next best thing for you people.



One thing people bring up with Doom 2016 is that it spends a lot of time sucking Doom 1 and Doom Guy's dick, one thing they forget however is that sucking dick is pretty hot.

This review was written before the game released