rayman's pose in this cover is the most gangster shit i've ever seen

this game is so silly and whimsical i love the part where razorbeard enslaves and beats peaceful forest creatures

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The multiverse is a blight on modern writing

I cried my ass out at this game

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The ending and the Nibelheim part makes this game.

As for the rest: borderline annoying gameplay, spongy enemies, the remade English VO is absolute shit and I recommend sticking to the Japanese VO even if you've played Remake in English.

Tetsuya Nomura's genius subtlety in naming his characters makes for, at the very least, a mildly entertaining minute. Such incredible classics as Angeal Hewley, a character with a white wing, referred to as an angel's wing MORE THAN ONCE, who's only purpose is dying in a classically convoluted ass plot. Zack obtaining the Buster Sword from Angeal, who we found out just sorta got it commissioned, immensely lowers the emotional value of it being then passed down to Cloud. There was no need to add a third party to that already heartbreaking interaction. There was also no need to make the plot so absurd (mass produced cloning shenanigans), and to have a character like Genesis who's only purpose is to further "humanize" Sephiroth when his internal struggle with loneliness, acceptance, and being more than just an experiment was more than enough to drive the point home. Genesis is also incredibly insufferable to listen to, as more than half of his lines are quotes from LOVELESS, in an attempt to make the character seem somewhat deep or mysterious. These characters are shells of archetypes, which seem fitting for something like a Kingdom Hearts game rather than Final Fantasy VII.

Cissnei makes me feel funny though.

this game is fun, engaging, well-written

but you'll go from the most history-defining, world-shattering, mind-altering duel of colossal proportions, of which only unbelievable tales shall be woven, just to then be told to pick up 3 flowers for Bartholomew the Adequate in the most remote part of the continent so he can put them in his Morbol Soup Special

game is fun
nobunga does it once more