
Kiseki games I've finished ranked

Honestly anything other than Hajimari is completely interchangeable this ranking is useless I can't rank them I love them all so much I just keep it for notes (I don't feel like changing the reviews)

2 and 3, 4 and 5, 6 and 7, 8-11, 12 and 13

i had a fucking blast i do not care if it "doesn't advance the overall plot of Zemuria" (which is a stupid point and even then i do not care)
it's riddled with flaws as any kiseki is, maybe more so than the others, but im still able to appreciate it for what it is

van only man to break an s-break. top 1.
Trails from Ten/10
SSS my family
Crossbell my home
There are soooooooooooo many things wrong with this game but I still give it a 10 regardless.
I have also forgiven most of the stuff from IV and III I don't like over time and Hajimari contributed to that a lot as well (i still hate how they handle romance but that's been an issue since xbell just not as prominent)
I agree with a lot of the criticism IV, III and this arc as a whole get, but honestly, most of the haters are hypocrites clouded by bias and are straight-up delusional (not to mention how much of the stuff people shit on it for also applies to Ao and Hajimari, the most beloved ones, but nobody talks about that 🫢(ao and haji are my top 2 im just pointing out the facts))
Started introducing weird ideas that get worse in IV and has wacky pacing (more about that in IV's note) but it's still fucking great and I love NCVII
I like it about the same as SC and it's better in some aspects but I think SC spoke a bit more to me? They're both amazing either way
also I love Kevin and Ries
hoshi no arika harmonica ver
thank you for saving my life


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