I have been getting more into metroidvanias and finally got to play the grand-daddy and wow does this game hold up, the combat is so fun, the music is perfect, truly a timeless masterpiece

Really amazing stuff, the remixed music is just fantastic, the presentation is impeccable (the castle biome especially), the new weapons are really fun to use, this whole DLC really shows it was made by people who love the franchise. If you're a fan of Castlevania definitely get this, its fanservice done right and even ignoring that the quality in everything here is top notch

I really enjoyed this one, a bit more backtracking but still a very fun experience

By far the best Transformers story I experienced, the gameplay is fun but can get a little repetitive but the art and sound designs are fantastic. I don't know how many times I have replayed this, I do it yearly now, such a shame its not easily accessible anymore

Such a fantastic game! Amazing game design, spectacular music and atmosphere, truly a must play

Honestly I really liked it, while its flawed the game can be fun, what you have to do isn't really explained so you do have to use a guide for pretty much all of the game but I didn't mind it as much as I thought I would. It doesn't feel like the other classicvania games but I do appreciate it for trying something new

Thanks to the Castlevania DLC I finally gave this game a fair chance and found myself really enjoying it, I'm not a fan of rogue-likes but Dead Cells really is special, really fun and challenging, extremely well polished, one of my favorites

Really weird game design here, it's not as difficult as it is annoying and removing the floor during Dracula's fight is incredibly cheap. Pretty bad overall

Started and finished this game in one day, extremely fun, really good castle design, gameplay is as good as Sotn, a fantastic metroidvania

Really good remake, the gameplay remained the same and it is as solid as ever, the graphics didn't age that well but I really like the designs of the characters made for this game. While I'd still recommend playing the original instead this is still a good time if you're a fan of action platformers and especially of the franchise

Amazing game, such a shame its so poorly optimized, I always have trouble even with mods but definitely worth pushing through