A true masterpiece that marked a generation of gamers.
Beautiful storyline with its characters and their many facets.
Excellent level design and beautiful (for the times) graphics.

Despite the years I still replay it with pleasure from time to time

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Excellent Batman-style title but with the peculiarities of the spider.
Nice rendering of new york, nice freeflow (batman) style gameplay and very varied selection of unlockable costumes.
On the gameplay level I found the sections with MJ very annoying and inappropriate.
Excellent Batman-style title but with the peculiarities of the spider.
Nice rendering of new york, nice freeflow (batman) style gameplay and very varied selection of unlockable costumes.
On the gameplay level I found the sections with MJ very annoying and inappropriate.
The story is definitely compelling, respectful of the character but has the only flaw of introducing miles too early.
Great game, I recommend it to all fans, and not, of the spider head
Too bad about too low a difficulty level, even selecting the highest difficulty level.
To Platinate is a joke because of how easy it is
The story is definitely compelling, respectful of the character but has the only flaw of introducing miles too early.
Great game, I recommend it to all fans, and not, of the spider head

The game has a truly beautiful story that doesn't border on the usual banality of zombie-style TV series.

The real problem is that basically you play little and with a ps2 game gameplay. Interaction with the environment close to 0, the supporting players managed by the cpu are often a ball at the foot and on the shooting side it is nothing to write home about.

I understand that it has a nice plot but frankly I don't understand why it is praised as if it were a masterpiece of the videogame world

Premise: This was my first Metroid game. I played Dread after Hollow Knight which was my first metroidvania I had ever played.
The concept is like the other Metroidvania. You are in a big map ad you have to move around the map to collect things, to open some door or to fight some boss (the intro of the boss fight are very well done).

Samus is pretty agile and fast and i loved the sense of progression given by the powerups.

There is some backtracking but it's not tedious but the real problem is that you are not encorauged to do because the map and the enemies , beside some small change, are always the same.
I'm not a backtracking lover, but i know that is part of the metroidvania gameplay so i can accept, but the game must intrigue me so as to encourage exploration. Unfortunately Metroid Dread fails at this.

The music are good, nothing exceptional but good.
Metroid Dread is probably a good Metroid game but if you are new to the ip probably will find just an average metroidvania and nothing more than that.

Excellent kart game that is further improved with DLC.
Fair number of circuits and characters, learning curve affordable even by not-quite gamer users and super fun couch multiplayer mode.
I play it often with my partner, who can barely hold a controller, and she has managed to handle it properly. We've accumulated quite a few hours of playing together.
Definitely one of the KAs for the Switch


Let's put it this way: this is the Max Payne with the least Max Payne atmosphere of all three games.

On the graphics front, the game benefits from the RAGE engine (the same as GTA IV and V) and its advanced physics.

Bullet time is always a marvel for the eyes and this time it is accompanied by a 'falling' feeling that makes us feel all the strain due to Max's advanced age.

A beautiful game that, however, forgets its noir origins by moving to completely different atmospheres (Brazil) and decidedly warmer and sunnier


The witcher 3 is a great role-playing game set in a believable world (based on the fantasy book) and well constructed. The story is well written and the possible choices are varied and each one not only influences the story of the game but always leaves some food for thought.
The gameplay is perhaps the weakest element. The moveset is limited and one often finds oneself in the 'para-sign-attack' loop. The horse and jump operation is a bit wooden.

Apart from this, the title plays like a charm and leaves its mark during every hour of play.

The DLCs are so complete that they are almost two new games.
I recommend it to anyone

The best platformer on PlayStation.

A leap forward from its predecessor, Crash Bandicoot 2 adds new 3D models and plenty of new environments.
The character is now easier to control and less wooden, and can even do double jumps and slides.
Very nice is the interaction with the environment where each landscape has particular characteristics, for example where there is ice the grip will be less and Crash will skate on ice.
Cute boss fights and limited selection of usable vehicles.

Graphically it is beautiful and one of the best experiments on the first PlayStation. An icon that you can't miss playing and that despite its twenty-something years has aged well.

Probably the best racing game on PSP. The game is a mix of the first three titles in the Burnout series seen on home consoles. What is impressive, positively, is that the game is equivalent to home consoles, both in terms of graphics and gameplay. Compared to all the games released during that period, this one not only shares the same title as those on PS2 and Xbox, but also reproduces the same gameplay and features, even going so far as to have graphics absurdly similar to those of the PlayStation 2. Going into detail, the game is super fun; accidents are not a disadvantage but also a bonus that can be used to hit other participants’ cars through a clear mode that allows us to decide where to send the car during the accident phase. The sense of speed is portrayed very well, and when using the fastest cars, like those of Formula 1, it really feels like zooming through a highway with that beast. The accident mode is super fun, allowing us to cause accidents by deciding where to hit and giving us the goal of destroying more vehicles in order to earn more points. I can’t comment on the multiplayer mode because, not having other friends with the same console, I’ve never been able to use it.

I have always loved NFS, ever since I got my hands on Underground and Hot Pursuit 2 as a child.
This game tries to take the best of those two interactions by fusing it with.....idiocy from gen z and social.
Cute open world and cute graphics but OBSCENE driving model with its one-button drifting. Decent the police side and related chases and REALLY WELL DONE all the section related to tuning and the large fleet of cars made available to the game.

The game overall entertains but unfortunately monotony comes too quickly.

If like me you want an upgrade to the driving model I recommend but UNITE mod that provides the possibility to choose between different styles of play.

A good game, but the glories of the past are far away

A good remake that carries with it all the problems of the original, starting with the camera and ending with the wooden movements.
Nice new ost reinterpreted questionable the color palettes used which in my opinion deviate too much from those of the original, definitely darker and inspired by a burton film.
Overall a good remake, if you are nostalgic for MediEvil.

It' really a good game.
It's big and full of possibility to build the city of your dreams.
The support of steam workshop and the great number of mods makes this game a masterpiece!
The real problem it's that you need the DLC to unlock the full potential of the game and the cost to have them is not really affordable for everyone.
Absolutely install it on SSd because with mods and dlc on a HDD it has very long loading times

Beautiful graphics (for a PS4 game) but everything else creaks.
I didn't like how they handled the hitboxes, wooden the movements and the god the plot..... politically correct and twists the Norse mythology and especially the figure of Kratos that we all knew as it was formed in the PS2/3 chapters.


Beautiful pixel art with references to older generations (SNES) and a graphic style and setting inspired somewhat by Inquisition Spain and the world of dark souls.

Unfortunately, the gameplay is rather wooden and the character very slow (I don't know if this is intentional or not).
The boss fights are beautiful and the various upgrades of the only weapon available are definitely not very satisfying.

Note of merit for the soundtrack, which is quite varied and apt.

I would definitely buy it again, if only to delight myself with its pixel art graphics. I cannot, however, recommend it to those looking for a work of pure gameplay. For that you have to look elsewhere


Let's get one thing straight: the game is absolutely mediocre and is the child of troubled development, so it's only natural that it's not perfect.

Let's talk about the positives: the Duke is in better shape than ever and is ready to rock. The voice acting is excellent and in general it is the charisma of the character that drives the story forward.

The story is mediocre without any particular twists or great flashes of imagination, it almost seems as if there was no clear direction on how to develop it.

Gameplay: the gameplay is unfortunately horrible. Duke is wooden to control and looks like something out of an early 00s game. The ability to carry a maximum of 4 weapons still reduces the fun and is an insult to the old Duke 3d. The feeling with the weapons in the shooting phases is horrendous and feels like shooting in circles, you can't feel when you've hit a target and even the sounds are nothing special. There is a lack of cover or the ability to use sights or anything else.

Graphics: Graphically, the game is ugly. Lots of aliasing and blurring everywhere, it looks like the first RESISTANCE on the PS3.

Basically a mediocre and disappointing game that should only be played to hear the Duke's irreverent jokes, which always make you smile. Don't fool yourself into thinking that this is a deep and well-written title, because you might be disappointed.

I won't comment on its DLC because I haven't tried it yet.

Rest in peace DUKE