god's perfect action game. every time i think about sekiro, my next thought is "i really want to play sekiro right now."

spectacular ending. not sure if i needed to spend 40 hours of my life getting there.

played for 24 full hours before going "wait a minute... i fucking hate this game!"

All I could have ever hoped for in a followup to Battle for Bikini Bottom.

Which is to say: an above average PS2-era platformer

if we're being honest, the rest of the game isn't as good as that first act

but MAN what a first act

"What if we made a JRPG where instead of turn based combat you got to play Minecraft?"
- The Smartest Fucking Person At Square Enix

I played this game as an experiment to see if I could get with Kingdom Hearts' whole deal. Regrettably, it turns out the answer is No.

i thought maybe Rift Apart only had such a simple and predictable story because it was a kid's game. now i'm thinking it's just the insomniac house style.

that said, i can't think of another open world game so easily digestible that i hundred percented it by accident over the course of three days

an excellent game which for some reason i am really, really, really bad at

game purchased: 2 days ago
time logged: 24 hours