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As funny as it can be, I'll never like bullet hell games.

It seems real good but I loaned it and have no way to get it back. I love watching speedruns of it tho

The first game I waited for a midnight release for (wasn't worth it) and also the first time I feel like I missed the boat on something (didn't understand DOTA the first time I tried it, never tried it again). Important for my growth, but not a great video game.

I have two stories to tell about Destiny 2. This one happened first.

At a low point brought on by the fatigue that God Of War 2018's success brought upon me and skeptical of Traveler's Tales offerings post-Curse of Osiris, I remember walking out of my room after completing the campaign and laying on the floor. All I could say is "I can't believe it's worse." I did not play a game with a story in it for eight months out of protest.


I Think Some Foxes Express Zeal.

Never thought a pillar could make me so emotional.

I wanted to go back as far as I could on the trending games list until I could find something I owned. This was on page #3295 as of February 2023. It's about that good, but I don't regret playing it because it meant I got to have this experience like fifteen years later.

Simple and precise tools, placed where they're needed, in a volume as to suggest the simultaneous existence of Truth and Self, while remaining so clearly constructed that it's hard not to draw from the confidence that lays everything out in such fashions.

The first hero shooter, only you don't know anyone's names, they're not really heroes, and their super powers are being able to scratch specific backs. I love this game, and I want to beat it co-op but I have not had a single friend like it ever.

The point when I started asking why the neon paint was for civilians is the point where I figured this is one of the better games made so far

People say this game doesn't actually work on brain training but idk my arithmetic is still pretty fast.

Jeff Minter has all this shit figured out. Every time I play one of his games I become even more convinced of this. This is probably his most meme-y game? Yet the clarity of the design and the friction of the movement is as clear here as it is in the actual masterpieces like Gridrunner Revolution & Polybius. Playing Llamasoft games is a pretty universally great use of time.