I have two stories to tell about Destiny 2. This one happened second.

When the Prophecy dungeon released, I talked myself into miserably grinding up to the level to enter the dungeon. "Surely I will have a great time with these combat encounters. They're very good at those." All four of my drops in my first run were boots. None of them were upgrades. Three of them were visually identical. I uninstalled the game that evening and will never return.

Did you know that millions of people can be as wrong as humanly possible? The best Gears game, I will accept no other suggestions.

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Trackball games rule, this is a complete and unavoidable fact, and it's very sad that it's so hard to recreate them. Mobile's done a decent job but you only get the acceleration of the push and not the satisfaction of the stop and realign motion. Anyways this game is gorgeous art and sound on top of being brilliantly controlled.

As funny as it can be, I'll never like bullet hell games.

One of two rhythm games I've ever aspired to be good at. Gotta shoot them ghosts in the nose, man. Got to.

I wish I could review the Zune version because that is the one I played most.

It seems real good but I loaned it and have no way to get it back. I love watching speedruns of it tho

I took this game with me to the premiere of 300 and before the movie I was working on improving my time on Airship Fortress, my favorite Mario Kart track ever and one in which I was briefly competitive for world record times. Suddenly I heard screeching around me. My tendency to sit at the back of the theater, combined with the ungodly bulbs of the DS Lite, illuminated a group of bats for everyone to see overhead. No one went to get any ushers to try to get the bats, for fear that they'd tell us to get out and we'd miss the midnight premiere of 300.

Mario Kart games are impossible to divorce from their time period. I could have written this about Super Mario Kart battles at the orthodontist's office. I could have written this about feeling alienated at the video producer's birthday party when they played Double Dash and refused to explain how it worked. I could have written this about playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe deliberately as though we were at a roof party with everyone behind us screaming, as part of a multi-stage competition. Nintendo's approach to "every game in a franchise is someone's first game" shows through most brightly and blatantly here in the Mario Kart series.

I was just good at this one so I like it most.

No one told me this is a franchise that has zombies, and my disappointment when it was time to deal with zombies was such that I gave my copy of this away.

Occasionally I get a hair up my ass to replay this and try to like prove that it's good or something, but I never get around to it. In my memory, this is one of my favorite 360 games because it does something actually interesting with shooting levels by making them this ridiculous speed shooting competition with combos. I do not remember how well it moves or plays, just that I was adamant there was something here. I suppose I still like feeling like I had some kind of insight about action, but I don't know that I really want to put this particular experiment back to the test ever again. I will think about doing it at least another dozen times in my life.

The conclusive end to the 2D Fighting Game discussion of the 90s. 3rd strike is neat. This game is romance to me.

I love stealth games, I love a good farce, and I love fucking with the police, so this is basically the best indie game ever made. At time of writing, the developer's next game is going to have dialog in it again, and that is the actual secret of how this game gets its hooks in you. One of two nearly perfect games about stealing things from 2013.

Probably the Atari game I played the most besides H.E.R.O. It's hard to get the same satisfaction from gameplay loops from back in the day, so when any can hold up over time it's an immense compliment, and the mechanics of avoiding cars and making turns is still functional and easy to become invested in.