220 reviews liked by aquaticpixel

If you let Tumblr fandoms ruin a game for you, you need to grow up.

imagine being transphobic 🤢 can't relate

NEMO was found with two gunshot wounds in the head washed up on a beach in Miami, Florida.

a word of advice: if you love psychological horror, especially silent hill, YOU NEED TO READ CRIME & PUNISHMENT. i understand how a 600 page book released 150 years ago in a format that doesn't exist anymore can seem off-putting or intimidating; i promise you it hasn't aged a day. crime & punishment can suffocate you with tension and anxiety comparable to any horror movie or game using words alone. the characters are oceans of beauty and flaws that will stick with you forever. without dostoevsky, there would be no shining, there would be no subahibi, and there would be no silent hill. read it and thank me later.

what do you mean they horizontally flipped the entire universe instead of making link hold the sword in his right hand

he has a fuckin GUN dude this game is so fucking funny i love these mid-period sonic games they make Sonic cuss in this one it's incredible