first assassin's creed game I beat. It's my favorite so far. (this is the only one I beat other than 3)

I actually jumped a few times, even say scared

I'm REALLY bad at this game. Otherwise this game is good

It's pretty fun so far, really trying to convince some friends to play with me so I can enjoy this very special take on a souls-like with them :)

Crescent Quest, a transformative experience in my life, has significantly influenced my personal and professional growth. This essay explores the profound ways in which Crescent Quest has positively impacted my life.

I. Discovering My True Potential

Crescent Quest provided me with the opportunity to discover my true potential. Through challenging experiences and self-reflection, I uncovered hidden talents and capabilities I never knew I possessed. This newfound self-awareness allowed me to set ambitious goals and strive for personal excellence.

II. Building Resilience

One of the key takeaways from Crescent Quest was the development of resilience. The program pushed me beyond my comfort zone, teaching me to persevere in the face of adversity. I learned that setbacks are merely stepping stones on the path to success, and this resilience has served me well in both personal and professional challenges.

III. Expanding My Horizons

Crescent Quest exposed me to diverse perspectives, cultures, and ideas. Engaging with people from different backgrounds enriched my worldview and expanded my horizons. I gained a deep appreciation for diversity and the value it brings to our interconnected world.

IV. Developing Leadership Skills

Through team-building exercises and leadership opportunities, Crescent Quest helped me develop essential leadership skills. I learned how to inspire and motivate others, make difficult decisions, and lead by example. These skills have been invaluable in my career and personal life.

V. Fostering Lifelong Friendships

The bonds formed during Crescent Quest are enduring. I forged connections with fellow participants that have evolved into lifelong friendships. These relationships offer support, camaraderie, and a network of individuals who share a common commitment to personal growth.

VI. Enhancing Problem-Solving Abilities

Crescent Quest honed my problem-solving abilities. Facing complex challenges and working with limited resources required creativity and critical thinking. These skills have proven essential in my professional life, where I frequently encounter complex problems.

VII. Empowering Personal Growth

Crescent Quest was a catalyst for personal growth. It taught me the importance of setting goals, embracing change, and continually striving for self-improvement. The program's philosophy of self-empowerment has become a guiding principle in my life.

VIII. Impact on Career Success

The skills and experiences gained from Crescent Quest have translated directly into my career success. Whether in leadership roles, managing teams, or tackling challenging projects, the lessons learned continue to be instrumental in achieving professional milestones.

IX. Giving Back to the Community

Crescent Quest also instilled a strong sense of social responsibility. The program emphasized the importance of giving back to the community and making a positive impact on the world. I have since become involved in various volunteer and philanthropic activities, striving to make a difference in the lives of others.

X. A Lifetime of Gratitude

In conclusion, Crescent Quest has left an indelible mark on my life. It has empowered me to become the best version of myself, both personally and professionally. I am forever grateful for the transformative experiences and lifelong friendships that this program has bestowed upon me. Crescent Quest has changed my life for the better, shaping me into a more resilient, compassionate, and capable individual.

I played this shit to death. So did my mom, apparently.

I think that this is a clunky, loveable, stupid, unfair, fun, and compelling mess of a video game and I will love it to death because it was what made me absolutely adore not only the dark souls franchise, but the souls-like genre of as a whole so it's severely impacted me throughout my gaming life.


I like Ultrakill, I liked this, I don't know what else to say.

I was so invested in this with my friends, it was one of the best experiences i have had with that small group and if I could go back and have it again oh how I would want that, all of us rushing to make choices and arguing and bickering about which ones are the right choices is some of the most fun i've ever had with my friends. I want more games like this, it doesn't have to look good at all, just a good story overall and the choice system this had with multiple people, Fun time.

I don't usually be negative about games, and when I am it usually feels unjustified, but Starfield?

"it gets good after the first 12(maybe more) hours!!!!!11!!111!"
No. a game should not take 12 hours to get good, not even most modern RPG's do that. This is stupid excuse for the game to be boring as fuck and just not be that interesting. The combat doesn't feel fleshed out, the characters look all so... I don't know not very character-like. They look stupid and most of the time barely work?!?!?!?!? This game probably has a LOT to offer but in all seriousness, it could have been a lot better if it was put into a show format and released like that instead of a video game.

I really didn't wanna comment on this game but since it is my second favorite game of all time I will say that I will die on this hill saying that it is one of the most fun, stylish, and in depth JRPG i've played, and I probably wont go back on myself.