i dont really do mobile games but i like this one a bit. eventually you hit a wall that requires you to do an absurd amount of grinding but other than that its ok

i fucking love xenoblade chronicles. both 1 and 2 are some of my favorite games of all time, and i hail 1 as one of the greatest games ever made.

This game is short of either. It is far from the masterpiece anyone tells you it is. It is a lukewarm 60% at BEST and it baffles me that anyone can say it's something more than that.

Everything that the series has been known for narratively has been absolutely diminished, the antagonists suck, the main characters story arc sucks, and the game holds back from being soul crushingly depressing.

It could have been good. Everything is right there! Yet somewhere, somehow, it just fucking sucks. The only thing this game has going for me is A: the graphics/artstyle, B: the really well rounded main cast, and C: the gameplay, and thats a kind of.

I could go on for fucking ever on how this game has disappointed me immeasurably, but I don't really want to. Lord pray that the DLC is on the same par as Torna.

really solid gameplay engine, however the story literally isnt finished. also has that 2016 AAA videogame layer of crust

I firmly believe that this is the greatest tactical stealth game ever made, mechanically. I don't entirely like this games jungle setting, as I far appreciate the earlier games urban area, but regardless this game exceeds in places most games do not.

fun pve hoard shooter.
the main issue with this game is it's lack of content. as it stands, the enemy types start to feel samey after a few rounds, and the weapon variety right now is somewhat scarce.
very fun game otherwise

im not a big fan of arena shooters. i fully get the appeal, but this game feels very bland after a while, and something feels fundamentally off. i cant finger a specific example, but something about the core gameplay loop feels off. also the platforming is genuinely terrible.


the game was fun for the duration me and my friends play it, but the amount of coordination it took was genuinely infuriating. its hard, but in a way that feels almost detrimental to the game. my loadout had been restricted to what the game deemed decent and using anything off meta resulted in a near immediate fail. the balancing is not good.

the concept is really cool, but if youre not playing with a group of seal team members you will probably not get very far.

i beat this game ages ago, so i dont really have anything specific to say.
its pretty a par for the course yakuza game, the only outstanding gripe i had with it is that some bosses feel near impossible to beat without being stacked on heals.
regardless. the story is good, the side missions are still very fun, and majima antics are at an all time high. do reccomend

i liked this game when it came out because i had never played a zelda game before. since then i've touched up on a few titles. comparatively, this game is very shallow in its dungeons and puzzles, which is a good portion of what made zelda what it is.

however, the open world this game holds is a triumph in its own right. where this game lacks in mechanical depth it somewhat makes up for with an insanely vast open world in a scale i dont think ive seen previously. exploring in this game is very fun, and the non linear spine of the game is cool in only how bold of a choice it was to make.

a players freedom of choice is something i believe is very important to this medium, and this game certainly allows for complete freedom to play however. yet, it lacks the bones this series is known for, and doing anything required to progress the story turns out to be very shallow.

this review is regarding the state of the game around early 2023, when i had last played. ive heard it has since changed quite a bit since then so this review may be out of date.

for the first 20-some hours, phasmophobia is a very fun game. the shock value this game gives is very intense and very fun to experience.

however, after those 20 hours, it runs out of things to show you. eventually the scares wear out and the puzzles required to beat each mission have their fun optimized out of them and each mission feels quite similar to the games detriment.

the loop at its core is fundamentally flawed and this game needs something else to it to make it truly replayable.

despite that i do believe you can get your moneys worth out of this game, its fun for the time it lasts and i certainly see myself revisiting this title later on.

Death Stranding is my favorite game of all time. However, I firmly believe this game is not for everyone and is also not perfect.

At it's core, Death Stranding is a game about delivering packages and bringing people together. It's a social-exploration game. But, it's also a horror game, a 3rd person war shooter, and a stealth-action game. Death Stranding is Kojima's attempt at creating something new, and also making every game Konami didn't let him finish, to both the games benefit and detriment.

Ultimately, most of the time Death Stranding feels like Kojima picked up the bones of PT/Silent Hills and MGSV and a third mysterious new game and tried to make it all work. Isolated, each of these elements work. When the game introduces itself, it's this survival horror game where Sam must deliver packages and face The Horrors of the abyss. And it's really cool. But then 1/3 in, the game goes "Well now you're literally in WW1. Go crazy." and suddenly the focus is about being a weird MGS, and abandons the horror elements by letting you fight the horrors very effectively. Then 1/3 later the game decides to be it's own thing and let's itself be Death Stranding. All with this underlying gameplay about connecting others. Alone, each of these portions work quite well. However, playing the game out feels quite jarring. The game tells you "Avoid BT's, don't shoot people" then later you're told "Actively kill BT's, shoot people." In the latter half I found myself missing the mystery and general horror of the BTs, and the actual threat they faced. Yet, I still found myself heavily enjoying the game overall. The point is, when this game chooses to be itself, it is very good, but most of the time it is remnants of something else and feels half-baked.

This all works for Kojima's meta narrative, which is about him leaving Konami and starting over. He sets up a game that puts you through what could have been Silent Hills, back through something vaguely Metal Gear, and then shows you something entirely new. So I get why he did it. But I don't entirely think he should have, since the actual story tells this underlying narrative quite well.

Regardless, there are other things outside of the core gameplay that are worth touching on.

The games overall presentation is very, very solid. Yes, it's very movie-game, but it works out quite well. Since most of the game has you walking, the presentation is very important, so going for the Generic Sony Movie Game route works well since you always have something nice to look at. The licensed music choices are very solid, the atmosphere is fantastic, and the overall world looks very good and is insanely engaging to traverse. Which is good, because most of this game is traversal.

The story, on the other hand, is a mixed bag. While MGS2 and 3 are very well written critiques of war and culture, Death Stranding comes to be far more personal. This isn't the pitfall though. The pitfall is how it's written. Most of the worldbuilding is sent through major exposition dumps from DefiningCharacterTrait-Man and the dumps are so heavy in load it becomes hard to process what's being said to you, and most of the time it feels like Kojima doesn't even know what he's talking about. I have a very intimate understanding of this game and I still can't concretely tell you what the fuck an "Extinction Entity" is, because I don't think Kojima does either. Most of these exposition dumps don't even need to be in the game. The whole point of the Death Stranding (the event) is that nobody properly knows what it is, and so having a character explain jargon to you makes the game more confusing and kills the overall mystery and tone. And if something isn't explained to you by mouth, you'll have to read pages and pages of shit via the in-game logs.

This isn't to say the writing is bad, because it isn't. For the first time I firmly believe Kojima has written a good female character. Really, most of the characters are very well rounded. Sure, there are a few ExpositionDump-Man's, but Sam, Higgs, and Fragile are all very interesting, likeable, and well written. When this game chooses to show you things rather than just outright tell, it does so very well, and is very memorable. All 3 of those characters arcs are very interesting to watch play out. Sam, as the main character, gets the most notable growth and the game shows this change in a very kosher way through BB. BB and Sam's dynamic is very fun, I'll probably touch on that later.

Though, other character don't exactly get much time to fully flesh out. For instance, Mama (yes, that's literally her name), has an arc, that is mildly interesting, but the game halts itself to focus on it and feels somewhat forced, and doesn't add much to the overarching story. There's also Mads Mikkelson's character, who's role is half as important as the game wants you to think, who feels weirdly forced into the narrative. While he is integral to the plot, his presence feels very out of left field and the game has to develop his character very quickly to make him work as a central character. It becomes hard to understand why he's doing the things he's doing, but I also give his character a pass because he's cool as shit and is very fun to see in action, and once you get past his rough introduction he becomes a very solid component to the story.
The pacing is also pretty bad, the game will go for multiple hour stretches telling you nothing then dump 30 minute cutscenes back to back, but that isn't super important to me because that's the shit I came for.

There are other things worth mentioning, the Kojima-isms, the inventory management, the symbolism, but as of writing this its 4:00AM and I have better things to do. I'll probably edit this review later, but I think I've talked about everything worth talking about.

This game is special to me, it's very different, its very fun, but it's also very polarizing and very rough. It's probably a 7/10 objectively, but as the saying goes, a 7/10 can be better than any 10/10 you've played.

In short, if you like MGS and want to play this because Kojima made MGS, you will either like it or not. If you like MGS for the narrative, you'll probably like this a lot. If you like MGS for its gameplay, then you probably won't like this as much.

Master Collection port sucks, but the actual game is quite fantastic. I'll spare you the words and just tell you to play it.

This is like if Ubisoft knew how to make a good Assassin's Creed game.

It truly says something when I say this game physically pains me to play.