282 Reviews liked by babyjeff

couldnt beat the last level (i likened it to being as hard as quitting smoking) but a damn fine game. damn fine.

one of the first games i beat without save states, awesome game and one of my favorite on nes

music owns but the game doesn't



love booting this one up when im bored. wonderful soundtrack and c64 vibes

the levels in this game are mid, the controls and gameplay are whatever but the fucking music is 5/5

not as good as pikmin 2 but damn fine

wonderful art style and music, mid af gameplay but that being said it still was one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences i had in 2020

perfect. modular (you can pick up any of the spells and party members in any order) claymation rpg that oozes charm. a must-play.

nearly peak megaman fangame, hours and hours of content (cant wait for 3)

peak as fuck megaman fangame

literal peak megaman if you disagree you already drank the koolaid bro... wonderful level design (tornado man's platforms, the birds in concrete man's stage are megaman screen scrolling chaos incarnate and plug man's arduous disappearing block section all come to mind) a point of contention i see is megaman not having a slide or a charge, to that i say play proto man and quit crying. a slick gaming challenge and what migfht be the best game in the classic series (cant decide between this 8 or 10) just because a game is unfair or challenging does not make it bad

the best community made megaman game hands down. the servers are hella fun and the community rules ily 8bdm

Severely overhated version of Minecraft. While this version of Minecraft is significantly outdated content-wise in comparison to the modern Bedrock and Java versions, Minecraft for NN3DS is charming when seen as a look into the past of Minecraft. It's cozy to me in a way no other version of Minecraft is. The circle pad and c-stick combo for controlling the camera and movement is perfectly adequate and only took a few minutes to get used to. I won't fault anyone for not preferring it, I'm in the same boat, but this version of Minecraft is great just like Minecraft was back in the day. The only reason I won't give this version five-stars like I have with Minecraft Bedrock and Minecraft Java is that there are undeniable limitations because of the hardware this version is on, however it is the same old Minecraft I have always loved.

Just reminds me of a time where I didn't have to pay bills