This review was written before the game released

Confusing UI and lackluster gameplay... not much to recommend here unless you are super into Disney

This game has a lot going against it... It's a remake of a game that wasn't even a decade old when it was released.
It doesn't have the multiplayer mode of the original and doesn't have any significant gameplay improvements or changes and yet still costs like a brand-new triple-A game.
and in my opinion, was falsely advertised as a "ground-up remake" when the only thing "ground up" about it is the 3d assets and facial animations.
So yeah there is a lot going against it, BUT all of the stuff I just mentioned has nothing to do with the game itself, but rather with its marketing and price.
So, what about the game itself? Well... it's pretty much the definitive way to experience The Last of Us. While I still think the original game holds up decently even today, there is really no reason to go back to the original even if you own the new one. Even if the changes aren't major, they are felt, and while I very much think this game isn't worth 70$ even if you didn't play the original (let alone if you did), I'd still say it is definitely the best way to experience The Last of Us, and since The Last of Us is pretty amazing... that kind of makes this game amazing... So I'm kind of conflicted about this review.

I've seen a lot of positive feedback on this game from the One Piece fandom, and this is probably one of the more "mainstream" One Piece games out there, in the sense that this game was very heavily advertised in different showcases and stuff, so a lot of people who aren't One Piece fans checked this game out, which all makes it really unfortunate for me because this game is not great...

Honestly the more I think about it the worse it gets.
The game had potential, it borrows quite a bit from the Unlimited Cruise series which I like a lot, in that you can switch between different crew mates and control all of them, traverse different environments, and level your characters up to get more abilities and stuff.

However, this game feels very poorly made in comparison. Everything from the janky animations and visuals to the complete lack of rewarding exploration (the game downright discourages you from exploring), to how easy the game actually is, and the fact that switching between the characters doesn't serve much purpose, is just really bad...

The only thing the game does decently is the combat and even then it feels like there is a massive lack of polish in it.

I really wish I could like this game because I really wanted to, but just because I'm a fan of the series doesn't mean I will just enjoy anything that has the One Piece name on it.

Really cool concept and very VERY well made.
Visually this game is incredible!

BUT, I have really really REALLY bad rhythm...
Like... really bad... so considering the fact that the whole point of the game is that you are supposed to time your movements and actions to the rhythm to get more points and do all of the cool moves... yeah I feel like I was unable to enjoy the game in the way I was supposed to.

Also, the story and characters are pretty weak, but the presentation is so strong that it more than makes up for it.

If you are into comic-book style visuals this is a must-buy in my opinion and the gameplay is genuinely really fun and well-made, even if I don't think I was able to enjoy it as much as I was supposed to.

This game was on my radar for a while thanks to its beautiful pixel art visuals. Son now that it's finally out I finally got to try it and it's pretty great.
It's not perfect, but as a whole I really really enjoyed it.

Starting with the positives, this might be one of my favorite-looking games, at least as far as indie games go. The colors, the animations, the details... everything is perfect.
The soundtrack is also very good and helps to create a distinct feeling.
Even mechanically the game was surprisingly much better than I expected. I went into the game expecting it to be kind of a walking simulator, but to my surprise, there is a lot of exploration, side activities, puzzles, and mini-games which keep the game engaging even after several hours of playing it.

The negative for the most part aren't too serious, but I do think they are enough to hurt the game, mostly because this is a story-driven game and most of my issues are related to the narrative.
For starters, kind of a petty complaint, but still an issue is that there are several points in the game where the grammar, or spelling of dialogue was off, and on some occasions just weirdly worded. From the little I looked into it, this appears to be a translation issue as the game wasn't originally made in English, but it never the less was noticeable (and I'm not even a native speaker) and took me out of the experience.
The more serious issues with the narrative though would have to be that... well... I just didn't connect with the story enough... I really wanted to, especially at the end where it kind of hit close to home for me on a lot of things, but it just didn't do it for me... I just personally couldn't connect with these characters as much as I felt I should've and I don't know if this is a subjective issue I have with the game or if it's a writing issue.
If I had to try and point the finger at what might be the reason for my lack of investment, it would maybe have to be that I think that most of the characters are just not very likable. A lot of them just fit into troupes and while the game does try to give them backstories and explain why they act in the way they do, their backstories feel kind of surface-level, maybe if we got to spend more time with them I wouldn't feel this way, but as is, I just didn't connect with most of them.
I will also say that while I personally really connected with the ending and its message, I do think that it went on for a bit too long, and also felt a little far removed from the rest of the game, both tonally and also in terms of what happens in it. It almost feels like an ending to a different story, I think that the earlier chapters of the game could have done a better job of setting up some of the themes and ideas that the ending focuses on.

That said I still really enjoyed my time and would definitely recommend this to anyone who wants a "relatively" short BEAUTIFUL game with a nice story with good messages.

If someone told me like 3-5 years ago that this would be one of my favorite games of all time, I wouldn't have believed them.
I'm still very new to Resident Evil, and in general, while I do like horror, I also get scared relatively easily so I usually avoid playing horror games like this, but I decided to try it.... and...

Holy crap I had so SO much fun. Everything about this game is just pure enjoyment for me. From the creepy, but cheesy visuals, to the stressful, but also badass gameplay, and to the over-the-top, but still engaging story and characters, this is just pure fun, there is no other way I could describe this game.

This game is so ahead of its time, it's kind of insane.
Everything from the visuals, to the music, to the story, to the characters to even the mechanic is fantastic.
The best way I can describe this game and what makes it so fun is that playing this game feels like playing through a shonen manga/anime (which is fitting since the character designer is the creator of Dragon Ball).

My only personal gripe is that I'm not as much of a fan of turn-based RPG combat, or at the very least I enjoy it more when there is a twist to it, but this game is pretty basic and straight forward in that regard. That said it's not that it's bad, it's just not my preferred mechanic.

The game isn't great, but not exactly for the reasons I thought it would be.

Based on how the game was marketed I expected/wanted the game to do one of two things to make it enjoyable:

1. Have a lot of funny dialogues and moments in general so that the main drive of playing the game is getting to the next funny moment.
2. Have unique mechanics as a result of the fact that the weapons talk and have personalities which can and ideally, would result in some new interesting mechanics you don't normally see in a first-person shooter.

Unfortunately, the game fails at both.
While the constant dialogue didn't get as annoying as I feared it would, it simply wasn't funny. Now granted, I was never a fan of Rick and Morty and that sort of humor, so I'm probably not the target audience for those kinds of jokes, that said, I didn't even crack a grin over the entire first two hours of the game...
The mechanics on the other hand, while not bad, are nothing special, this is just every other shooter game out there, only you have talking weapons, that's it. Even other basic aspects of the game are kind of disappointing like despite how cool the world looks, there is very little you can actually interact with.

As a whole, the game just doesn't offer anything you can't get anywhere else unless you like non-stop dialogue while you play.

Why is this game not getting more attention?
Seriously I played this for the first time during the week and was really pleasantly surprised by how well it holds up.
The story isn't special but is conveyed in a really fun way with a really cool style. The gameplay is simple and fun with enough diversity in mechanics that it never gets boring.
The only weak point of the game is how repetitive it is, and that there is a general lack of feeling of progression over the course of the whole experience.

One Piece, despite being the best-selling manga of all time, and one of the most financially successful franchises of all time, still doesn't have a truly great video game adaptation, but this one and its sequel are, at least in my opinion, easily the best One Piece games so far.

These games are not without their issues and this one in particular has some really frustrating things about it, but I still think that it's great in spirit.

You can play as every member of the crew with each one having their own unique abilities as you explore the different islands to fight enemies, find treasures, gain new abilities, and collect items to level your characters up and it's honestly really fun for the most part, even if the visuals are ugly and the Wii controls sucked on this game.

I honestly wish we had a game like this but with visuals that match the show better and controls that aren't designed for the Wii because I honestly think it could be great.

I guess this style of game just isn't for me, because I genuinely don't get the appeal, I'd rather do the dishes than play this.

This game is just amazing, I can't really describe it better than to call it a Dragon Ball Z fan wet-dream...
It takes a little bit of time to get used to it, but once you get the hang of it, it's insanely fun.
The visuals are amazing, one of my favorite-looking game periods, and definitely my favorite-looking anime game.
The only issues I can think to point out would be that while the roster is great when you have all of the DLC, without the DLC it does feel a little too small and lacks a lot of major characters you would expect to see in a game like this. Also with there were more stages to select and the story mode had more to it.

As far as endless runners go, this one has always been one of my favorites. Cute nice visuals, enough diversity in your abilities and the changes of the environment that you don't get tired of it quickly, and nice responsive controls.

I will be honest, I didn't get very far in this game, maybe I should've given it a better try, but honestly, this game is just so boring and unremarkable for me... the only thing that stood out to me (and it seems to everyone else) is the villain.

This game gets a lot of love because it was a big game changer for the industry and the medium, being seen by many as the first modern third-person shooter, not to mention a big change for Resident Evil as a series and the horror genre in general.

That said, I did not play this game when it came out, but years later, so my opinion isn't really impacted by how revolutionary this game was, but more from just the question of "did I enjoy playing this game?".

The simple answer to that question is... "Kinda?" it's fine... I had a decent time, the controls took some getting used to, but as a whole, it was a decent time... That said, it also wasn't mind-blowingly good or anything, it was honestly kind of dull, with a lot of the same sort of scenarios repeating themselves with not much new to make things more exciting.
This game also, unfortunately, started the trend of Resident Evil (and horror games in general) not being scary anymore, and while I'm sure it was impressive for the time, I really don't like how this game looks, the colors in this game are so muted and ugly, it made it difficult to enjoy the exploration.

I will say that regardless of what I have to say, there is no denying that this game is a classic, and definitely deserves it's place in video game history, I just don't really find it very fun to play.