i finally finished the game after 2 years with the final remix on my phone and i know my review is gonna be controversial but this is one of the most frustrating gaming experiences of my life. gameplay fucking sucks major balls. aesthetics, theming and characters are fun and cool but they CAN NOT save your game. especially when your story blue balls you on every twists and turns of it. don't get me started with the music. i'm hearing this shit and it sounds like something i'll love but it just doesn't click apart from a few songs.


this will be about the question arcs (episodes 1-4).

i've been saving this one to this summer. really had high expectations for this one. was it worth it? real answer will reveal itself with the answer arcs. still, deep down i wanted to enjoy this a little bit more. maybe it's the expectations or maybe the mystery is so layered and wants so much from you that you're overwhelmed. the themes, the music is all spot on and great. characters are mostly good too especially our main character, ushiromiya battler. in visual novels you rarely find this kind of established, funny and badass main characters (at least i think so).

more will be said in the answers arc review.

i was really into it in the first half, story had everywhere to go but unfortunately didn't go nowhere. this doesn't mean that story is bad or experience detratcs from the message. if you want more silliness and emotional sappiness in a good way like the first game, go for it. you will not be disappointed.

obviously very creative concept for the medium but also implementing the concept into the gameplay as a both challenging and fun way is very hard to pull off. yeah art direction seems colorful and clean but it feels unnecessarily sterile and without character. they should've draw a line between making a homage and directly ripping off with portal and the stanley parable honestly. everything felt soulless to me, maybe i'm too jaded.

it took me 2 years to actually finish it. the game is obviously mechanically pretty amazing and impactful for its generation, you gotta give its flowers. but as a game it's very unforgiving and those kinds of games don't motivate me to play them at all. i just finished it because i felt like i had to. did i not enjoy it? well, yeah. once you beat the bosses you were getting fucked by, it feels satisfactory. that's usually about it though, apart from the big world-building and gameplay greatness. absence of story makes me not want to continue the game too.

a very good sequel but an okay game. it's not a bad thing though. runtime is short, not much to do but you get to know the girl and her weird and ill mind. visuals and sound are definetely better too. it's an experience for sure.

everybody's saying first act is the best and i wanna make it clear that it's not that simple. i think the game doesn't get better but it doesn't really lose steam neither. expands on the story side and kinda regresses on the gameplay side but i wouldn't call it losing steam. it just does what it does and while it's good, it's not enough for me.

What a wild ride. It sure took it's time for 3 hours of introduction but when the game started it hits you with detailed concepts of folklore and forms a werewolf/mafia game out of that. The humor is pretty straightforward for a VN but manages to entertain. Also I love the protagonist and related to him a lot. Mystery was intriguing too. Builds the tension with the mysteries in the right way, up until the last keys. The game's pace became so slow that my sister and I were about to abandon the game. We mustered up our last remaining patience and beat the game. Ending is satisfying though, can't really complain. If you like time loops and/or mafia/werewolf, you're probably gonna like it.

This game was like a junk food. Easily consumable, at times it's sweet and moving, but you finish it all too quick to enjoy it.

Yes, it does make your skin crawl in some places but no, it's still somewhat good. Although the gameplay gets stale real quick (you're just running around shooting stuff, shooting is not fun.), I think the game does what it can to spice things up with puzzles (they're kinda braindead), different kinds of bullets and melee combat if you prefer to. I liked Toko's development throughout the game and seeing other beloved characters was a treat.

If you can stand the gameplay and the amplified weirdness (compared to the first 2 games, can you imagine?), you'll probably have a good time.

This review contains spoilers

3 letters backwards thing was bullshit, I looked it up and I don't care. Otherwise this was a solid game that didn't fuck around. Straightforward and challenging but a little annoying.

Puzzles are too easy, even for me. Every floor has at least 3 tutorial episodes for the new mechanics and they "build up" to the final 15 minutes which is fine for the runtime but still feels like a waste. Story and how it's told are garbage. The voice actor for the woman tries her best but tries too much. She gulps a lot and has no personality also no story behind her. The game has a fine concept, good setting and cool mechanics but the downsides i mentioned butchers these.

Too smug and on the nose, still needed to exist I guess. Design and the message are fine but it was not very fun to play.

Puzzles could've used more polishing but this is one of the most impressive games I've ever played. The sheer amount of detail that went into this game brings a tear to my eye. Utilizing horror as a vessel to the fear of the unknown works wonders especially in a space exploring open world game. Also the pinnacle of open world.

I foresaw some of the twists earlier than the other games but they didn't build up like I expected them to. Still, really solid story, good pace (which some of the older games suffer) and of course, characters reoccurring from the earlier games made it worth playing. Insight was a good addition but it was kinda hard to solve (so I looked them up). Also the game suffered from bland addition of characters in general.