A simple 3d puzzle game my ass. Hardest puzzle game I've ever played. Sticking the fork mechanic made it so much harder to play.

Very well written, touching, beautiful, funny... (hell of a lot more adjectives because it's that carely thought. And executed.) experience.

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Sooo, AAI 2 took its inspirations for Simon Keyes from Clive huh? I had high expectations for this game and I appreciate what it was going for (and for the most part, it succeeded.). It just suffers from a lack of depth from the villains. For the duration of the game I couldn't stop thinking about how Dimitri's arc is like Godot's and Clive's arc is like Simon's. Enough about comparisons though, let's talk about the game. Gameplay is a lot like the other games but have more varied puzzles. Music is great as always and it's always a joy to see Professor and Luke going on adventures. It's also a good ending to the series.

Worst possible ending to a game. Passable 3D platformer, don't play it for its story.

I can see the hype; it has a beautiful soundtrack, it's very humorous and absurd and overall pretty colorful and beautiful game. The only problem is the gameplay for me, I couldn't control the katamari the way I wanted to and I felt like I was just rambling randomly. Playing this with a keyboard must be the problem as I couldn't see properly where I was going.

Highly creative puzzles, very cool and enjoyable soundtrack. Its only weakness is the story but it doesn't interrupt your enjoyment of the gameplay and the atmosphere in general. Really good game.

It looked so cool until I played it. Puzzles are really uninteresting and boring for my taste. Once you get bored of its schtick, you are left with nothing.

On paper, this is pretty much an improvement in everything over the first one. Story is much more compelling and you can track the story with this tree system that lets you see the whole story and you don't even need to know the order you should be playing it. It has a cooler setting, better and more memorable soundtrack. But for me it just boils down to how much do I care about this compelling story. Unfortunately, for the main resolution... I couldn't care like I did with the first game.

I'm rating this 4 stars because of the times I've had fun with it. I don't think the game is good now except the auto-battler which is decent.

fun gam dont udnerstnad whypeple heit tihs

Repetitive and bad gameplay and unchangable camera view blows.

My playthrough was pretty buggy and maybe it did influence my opinion on this game but the game kinda sucks to play. I never used bullet time and I usually was bored out of my mind while shooting goons. Besides the good voice acting and cool comic sequences I was not invested in this game at all. Maybe I don't like shooters all that much.

It's underrated and a big part of my childhood.

One of the most overrated pieces of shit I've ever played. Lackluster and buggy combat, shitty inventory system, god-awful map and a never ending game? Get the fuck outta here. Story and the world are alright and that's the only okay things about it.

Had a sickness problem while playing it and I don't know why. Great puzzles, simplistic yet mystical world.