fun little game with some crazy good weapon designs and atmosphere tho some of the levels were not it with a couple the late game enemies really just feeling like glorified bullet sponges

it's a fun little game but i really don't got much to say about it. Some of the challenges are difficult but felt doable though the game could've definitely used a bit more variety. I cant complain that much though because of it being only .50c

I had been super hyped for this game when it was coming out and only finally got around to playing it over a year after it released. The use of one arm is super good at creating stress within the game and while it's not inherently a scary game it has a very tense atmosphere and definitely kept me on edge. The story was ok and served well for what the gameplay was. The combat was good just really felt like it could've been expanded a bit more with there only really being 4 weapons in the whole game. I also played the epidemic mode and that was some good fun for a bit but after a while it got really repetitive with the maps looking really samey. Overall this was super fun and while i wish there was a more to it, it definitely delivers on a great survival horror gameplay and definitely delivered in what i was hoping from the game.

This is a super nostalgic game for me because this game is in a list with batman arkham asylum and assassins creed 2 as games I've played through too many times to count. This game has a super great story and for a 7th generation third person shooter is really good at differentiating itself from the endless pile of them. The climbing's always been hit or miss for me on it either being frustating or working seamlessly but still works for what it is doing. The variety of weapons is definitely lacking with there really only being a couple different guns and some like the revolver and the deagle that are straight up just different models that do more damage. Overall though this game fucking rules and is the start to one of my favorite franchises ever and I can't wait to start replaying them for this account soon.

This is my first time playing a game in this series and this is easily one of the best third person shooters i've ever played. There's so many different locations with enough interactivity and bullets flying that makes it feel like a john woo movie at some points. The cutscenes and story are amazing with the corny dialogue being super charming and help gives the game a great feel of personality. The gunplay is out of this world and probably some of my favorite in any game i've played ever. The combination of guns all are amazing and definitely able to feel the difference within each. Overall this shit is fire and I genuinely can't wait to play the sequels

was testing out emulation on my new steam deck and holy hell this game is still fire, easily still holds the honor of being my favorite nes game ever with one of the most difficult final bosses ever, everything in it is just amazing and I love every little bit of it,. and yes i did beat mike tyson 💪💪

ima be fr with you i did not know who the main villian was until the final mission. this game has one of the most forgettable stories ever but makes up for that with charm and the open world just being dumb fun. I will say seeing how shit the grapple hook was in this game really makes me glad they made it wayyyy more fun and usable in the sequel.

This game is so cute and pretty I love it bunches, the small length of the game allows it to not get old or boring and the gameplay of alba exploring and finding new animals made it just a silly little time with silly little characters.

I'm really not a racing game fan and this definitely reminded that i'm am not good at these games whatsoever. This game was just the definition of meh, with a lot of cars feeling pretty similar and driving just being mediocre. The best part easily being the charm all the maps in the game was able to pull off

These games are genuinely the pinnacle of third person shooters and I want like a million more shooters like max payne. This game just like the first one is absolutely amazing with some of the most entertaining and fun ragdoll physics that cause the shooting to feel even more satisfying. While I slightly prefer the story of the first game this one's definitely great as well with mona sax adding so much more interest in max payne as a character and seeing him slowly slipping more and more away over this woman coming into his life. My biggest complaint tho is definitely the length. While I don't mind shorter games at all I just wish this game was just the slightest bit longer. The slow motion felt great especially with the added ragdoll physics making it super satisfying. In general this is just even more max payne I can't complain about that, hopefully the third game manages to be just as good as these ones.

Let me preface this review by saying that I've never dived deep into survival horror at all. Quite literally the only survival horror game I've played through was cry of fear which was awsome. I state all this though to explain why a lot of the references in this game probably went over my head, obviously i understood the silent hill 2 and blood references but there's probably a lot more I missed. But even with my lack of knowledge on the genre this game fucking rocks. It isn't very difficult by any means or has any challenging puzzles but who cares this game has the vibes and a super fun feel to it. All the guns are super fun to shoot with some amazing blood and gore effects that just bring straight euphoria when I used the shotgun. The enemies really struggled though in how spongy they were to take down and some pretty mediocre bosses that weren't exactly memorable. This game just feels like a huge labor of love from the developer and is easily worth it's small price tag even with it's short length.

Yeah this game is kinda a stinker. I love guitar hero and clone hero and while i'm not good at those games by any means I still find great enjoyment when i play them. This was not that at all, now to be fair i wasn't able to get my guitar working for this game so I had to use keyboard which isn't the worst thing in the world but definitely effected the enjoyment. The inputs would sometime just not go through and a lot of the stuff involving the menu was pretty janky. The music is just some pretty mediocre metal covers of famous christmas music that actually playing is pretty easy even on hard mode. Overall I just did not have a good time with this but for .50C I can't really complain that much for how cheap it is.

This game is everything a sequel should strive for. This game while incredibly similar to the first in mechanics practically improves every single element form the first to make it as refined as possible. This used to be my all time favorite uncharted game and when I was a kid something that I genuinely thought was one of the best things ever made. I still think this game is amazing but I don't hold it in the same vain as I used to especially compared to other games in the series. The story and characters are absolutely amazing with chloe being one of my all time favorite characters in this series. I wish there had been more inclusion of sully but that is 100% just bias of him being my favorite character. Lazarevic is probably the most forgettable villian in this franchise, to the point where I just had to search up his name to remember it. The gun play is amazing as always and while it does share a lot of the same guns as the first it improves the feel of these guns in firefights. The set pieces within this game is probably the best in the franchise, the opening in the train is probably hands down the best opening to a game ever. There are so many iconic scenes that I could spend hours talking about, the whole chapter running through the train, trying to fight off a tank, and even the helicopter chase are all just a few examples of this game's amazing set design. This is easily one of the best ps3 games that came out during its lifetime and is something any playstation fan should play.

There’s really not much to this. It’s a cute little skateboarding game that doesn’t have much content and what’s there already is ok. Probably gonna forget I played this in like 3 days

this is easily one of the best ps1 games ever and suprised that it took me creating this account for me to finally get around to playing it