normalize games where you beat up jared leto

tbf i havent played any of the max payne or read any punisher comics but this is easily one of my favorite super hero games that had some super fun combat but damn near the end it definitely started to drag a bit

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This is definitely wayyyyy better then valhalla and definitely happy to see it return to form a bit even tho it feels like it doesn't fully commit to that as much as they could have. the combat's fun and so is the open world kinda but with a bunch of the missions just all feeling the same other then the sick assassination missions. They also literally just did fight club as an assassins creed game plot which is kinda crazy

this is honestly a really mediocre shooter with some gunplay i just really dont enjoy tho the maps are super fun and the people i've met are either mentally deranged or the nicest in the world

Played this because one of my favorite game series ever is the batman arkham series and I've never played rocksteady's first game and honestly it was a blast. This has some super fun gunplay and shockingly has a not that bad story. The guns are fun tho the designs of them look like something a 9 year old thought future police guns would look like(not a bad thing at all). Some of the missions are difficult tho never too hard where it feels unfair, the medals add more of a challenge and can sometimes be a bit annoying getting but the fact that their optional makes it a lot better. Overall this is a super underrated and amazing ps2 game that started a company that made some of the best superhero games ever made.

Definitely have a huge amount of nostalgia for this but replaying makes me realize it’s not nearly as good as I remember. The story is super bland, the open world is pretty meh, and the missions feel mostly the same except for a select few. The game just starts dragging near the end as you’re just doing faction missions so you can do the main story which there isn’t a lot of to begin with. It’s definitely good when it comes to the simple things like blowing stuff up and the movement. While I do enjoy it slightly more then the first one the charm of the first game is pretty much gone from this game, feeling like a more generic open world game. Overall the game isn’t bad by any means but lacking in a lot of aspects I straight up just didn’t remember as a kid.

this is easily one of the best ps1 games ever and suprised that it took me creating this account for me to finally get around to playing it

this might be one of my favorite dlc's ever made with it being the perfect epilogue to valhalla's story and a great way of reminiscing on the events that have happened over this whole franchise. I love this series so much

There’s really not much to this. It’s a cute little skateboarding game that doesn’t have much content and what’s there already is ok. Probably gonna forget I played this in like 3 days

I’m gonna be completely honest, this score is 100% pure nostalgia. Growing up playing this game with my friend and going to find all the Easter eggs and getting all collectibles are memories that I will cherish forever and hold close to me. I have sunk way to many hours into this game throughout my life that it’s unhealthy, what makes it crazier is this time replaying is the first time I fully 100% the game. I can’t even begin to give this an objective look I love everything about it. I love the movement that’s a million times better than the other games as well as some of the greatest destruction in any game ever made. The story is a million times better than the other games as well and though the dialog is super corny it just adds so much to the charm. This is easily one of the best open world games ever made and one game that will always hold a special place within my heart.

fun little game with some crazy good weapon designs and atmosphere tho some of the levels were not it with a couple the late game enemies really just feeling like glorified bullet sponges

Yeah this game is kinda a stinker. I love guitar hero and clone hero and while i'm not good at those games by any means I still find great enjoyment when i play them. This was not that at all, now to be fair i wasn't able to get my guitar working for this game so I had to use keyboard which isn't the worst thing in the world but definitely effected the enjoyment. The inputs would sometime just not go through and a lot of the stuff involving the menu was pretty janky. The music is just some pretty mediocre metal covers of famous christmas music that actually playing is pretty easy even on hard mode. Overall I just did not have a good time with this but for .50C I can't really complain that much for how cheap it is.

This is a super nostalgic game for me because this game is in a list with batman arkham asylum and assassins creed 2 as games I've played through too many times to count. This game has a super great story and for a 7th generation third person shooter is really good at differentiating itself from the endless pile of them. The climbing's always been hit or miss for me on it either being frustating or working seamlessly but still works for what it is doing. The variety of weapons is definitely lacking with there really only being a couple different guns and some like the revolver and the deagle that are straight up just different models that do more damage. Overall though this game fucking rules and is the start to one of my favorite franchises ever and I can't wait to start replaying them for this account soon.

This is my first time playing a game in this series and this is easily one of the best third person shooters i've ever played. There's so many different locations with enough interactivity and bullets flying that makes it feel like a john woo movie at some points. The cutscenes and story are amazing with the corny dialogue being super charming and help gives the game a great feel of personality. The gunplay is out of this world and probably some of my favorite in any game i've played ever. The combination of guns all are amazing and definitely able to feel the difference within each. Overall this shit is fire and I genuinely can't wait to play the sequels

it's a fun little game but i really don't got much to say about it. Some of the challenges are difficult but felt doable though the game could've definitely used a bit more variety. I cant complain that much though because of it being only .50c