I’d give it a five if it showed me hentai after I get it right then dropped me into a first person dungeon crawler where I have to solve more five letter puzzles that change every time you get them wrong but you still get to see hentai when you get it right also there’s a built in Dragon Quest knock off game that you play in your room for additional items that let you skip the word and get right to the hentai.

Josh Wardle my email is open hit me up for more ideas.

I came back around to this after finishing New Super Mario Bros 2., and found this one to pretty lacking. It's frankly impressive how much of a difference just adding the incentive of coin collecting makes to a game's formula. This one on the other hand just felt like a standard Mario game. Perhaps the most baffling inclusion to this game is the Mega Mushroom (I presume it's called). There haven't been many instances I've found for it's use, aside from cheesing a fortress boss with it. Otherwise, levels are have too many gaps that prevent you from running straight and racking up those 1-UPs, not that you really need them, either. Still, it's fun to absolutely wreck shit on an early level and tear it apart, literally.

At the end of the day, it's Mario, just without anything that stands out.

A hard as balls game that didn't age well AT ALL. Still, it has a special place in my heart for being a childhood game. But also still, this game can fucking suck it.

A great music visualizer, an awful rhythm game. "Just following the beat" doesn't cut it. Some segments are very well done, others are just a cluster fuck. The first level alone demonstrates that in it's second half. What part of that can you "zen out" and follow the beat? What beat? There's no rhythm to the cars.

Honestly, I'd recommend just buying the soundtrack instead of the game.


One of the best, most relaxing experiences in gaming I’ve had. Everything about this game is enjoyable. I only wish there were some sort of mode or daily/weekly to keep me coming back for more.

Cooking Companions might be the best example of a 2 star game I can think of. It’s fun and engaging during the playtime but when it’s done you don’t really remember or care much about it aside from the obvious grotesque bits. Largely forgettable, though fun in the moment. The story is kind of everywhere, while at the same time played as straight as possible with no real “but what does it MEAN?” moment. You can infer it with no issues.

And for those who hate jump scares: sorry, there are a few. Though, they are largely done to a good effect and are part of the story and not just squeezed in to scare the player. It really puts you in the main characters eyes and mind as much as possible.

I’d play this again if anything to try and get the CGs I may have missed while glossing over the story. It does have some great art, I’ll give it that. The only environments seem to decay right before your eyes in a gradual, almost undetectable way until you realize oh something isn’t quite right here, though maybe you should have realized that when the vegetables start talking to you.

Somehow worse than I remember it being. The stages are shit, the special stage is extremely shit, you having no control over Sonic, at least it feels like it, the only thing redeemable about this game is the music.

I played this while waiting for the Resident Evil Village demo to come out.

If you played The Outer Worlds and thought it should be more complicated and shallow, boy do I have the game for you.

After all this time of the game starting and sequels coming and going, I just don't care about this series anymore. I wish Emily all the best, now please stay away.

This game unironically changed my life for better or worse.

This game fucked me up fuck you for making me cry

The demo had me really hyped up for this game, but lord is the full release just loaded to the brim with far too many dialogue options and rabbit holes to go down. Bless whoever has the time to save scum and weave through each and every dialogue option. This would have been much more enjoyable as a straight forward narrative with slightly branching paths, not full flung abruptly ending walls.

They knew what they were doing when they made this shit free. This is some Humble Bundle Choice type of shit.