June, 2022



2h 0m


epic 👼 the minigame is a tool that has become lost to the modern video game developer it sits in a drawer and rots and rots, only to show its face every once in a while in the form of a mutated, over-complicated, card strategy game. the minigame need CPR





6h 0m


i cannot do this anymore ------ this impossible chore. morgan broke down and i can't show him the picture. if i replay the day again my head will melt. even my eternal love of twin peaks could not get me through this. i get it it's the first of its kind but at what cost. genuinely horrifying game design. yes ambitious and impressive but a million miles away from enjoyable lmao.
i know that this is not the developers' faults but i do not owe them any more of my time. i must put myself first..................



May, 2022


132h 20m


the only good modern open world action game 💯💯 sick story and most engaging game design there is. no scripted movement no only climbing the cliff with dumb red inexplicable paint on it 🙄 does not pander to you like that and give you fake choices. the perfect amount of guided progression and freedom. can’t bullshit your way through this game 🫡🫡🫡 hope the new kojima isn’t DS2 tho. want something new instead DS stands on its own 🫡🫡

100% wit platinum trophy


March, 2022


15h 52m


<3 suda. visual candy and language candy too. suda knows exactly what words to put next to each other. scary. music and sound. minimal in a maximal way. very inspiring 2 me. much love. cant wait to play 25th ward.


February, 2022


1h 44m


this shit is sooo funny lmao getting stun locked and repeatedly dying in the first kaldea panther fight is so fucking hilarious the comedic timing that this game unintentionally has is almost suspiciously gud lol the amount of time you spend fighting compared to the amount of time that is spent building up to the fighting is fantastic. reallly reallly miss this y2k-era-nomura designed characters in games. would do unspeakable acts for a new final fantasy with characters that looked and dressed like this again 😢😢😢 i love ps2 pre rendered square cutscene ❤️ my favrit type. look good. credits song goes sooo hard complete with mariah carey whistle notes icing on cake. why do we see dominique at the end in a cemetary with a puppy are they at sion's grave??????? hahahhaha



113h 31m


some games are jus made so that u can run around and vibe and kill shit for a hundred hours. top tier turn based combat 👊 it’s so refreshing to die in a video game and be sent back to the title screen again 😩 i’m glad that altus is still interested in making ps2 games in spirit. everyone else should take note 📝 some of the best music ever put in a video game. environmental bgm sounds like it was made in da’at ableton. played on normal which was a perfect amount of difficulty imo. truly truly exhilarating brain pumping adrenaline drunk moments when u finally beat shiva or u manage to beat mother harlot first try underleveled. story is barely there can't even tell u what it was but didn't need to be there at all. its all about the vibes thats all this one needs to be about. i feel like some punches were pulled in some aspects of its design tho. when i got to the final dungeon and saw the time freezing doorways i was like very cool gona have to do puzzle with these 😲👆but nah they’re kinda pointless i don’t even know why they’re there. like completely avoidable and don’t even lead you to anything cool or anything. want more puzzlee. still atlus are the masters of the modern jrpg. japan still understands the value of a silent protag.

100% (except for demon compendium), tru ending


December, 2021


5h 0m


goes pretty hard. made me want to actually play dirge of cerberus to see who this nero fool is. really hope remake pt2 is open world overworld type vibe


October, 2021


23h 7m


i was really hoping to like this one. puzzle game by persona devs seems like my dream game. but this shit kinda corny. weird energy in bad way. i did not care about a single thing that happened. gameplay loop is lopsided. real life sequences put me to sleep. i do love the puzzles tho. but i jus did not vibe with this one. the online multiplayer sounds cool but can’t try it cuz not a single other person is online lmao. was gonna try to play through again to see the other endings but really couldn’t hold my ayttention. maybe i’ll try again in a couple years. secondhand-embarassment-type game lol.



9h 52m


cutscenes go so hard. very difficult and infuriating towards the end but still so much fun. monkey in ball. i like when bad boon takes a bath

September, 2021



6h 0m


fantastic. so much style and atmosphere created with such minimal tools. and equally as much playful with the form. great dialogue. hope to make something as realized as this



172h 32m


technically 91%. all missions and mission tasks complete with S rank, all side ops done. just didnt wanna get alll the animals rn lol. i love this game yes the lack of ep51 sucks but you would be insane to not see that this truly is the definitive metal gear experience, the forreal ultimate big boss simulator and it fucking rips. story rules



4h 0m


finished the story mode in one sitting. warioware has lost its way tho fr 🥲 nowhere near as weird and punk as it used to be in the heyday of twisted + smooth moves. the platformer-character-moveset angle completely works against what makes warioware great imo. too complicated and unintuitive. too esoteric gameplay wise and too palatable visually. feels like an imitation of a great warioware. someone copying your A+ essay without understanding what makes it good in the first place


August, 2021


20h 36m


probably the best game ever made. so up my alley i will need surgery. most incredible visual and spoken language in a game. idk why it took me so long to play another suda game. language >>> over all else every time. inspiring



10h 0m


too serious + mad corny but good time anyway :) palate cleansed


July, 2021


28h 44m


glad i went back to this before continuing phantom pain. almost got true ending but difficulty and zadornov searches weren’t really worth it for me. still sick and has the best things about mgs. singing robots and butterflies in the AI core


June, 2021


69h 23m


its o.k. not really a big fan of the battle system tho. pacing is so slow. saturated with mostly pointless sidequests. gameplay literally made me fall asleep every time i played it.
story is cool i guess. definitely not buying into the hype for this series

edit: looking back on this i enjoyed legit 0% of this game sometimes u just be pressuring yourself into finishing something. this shit is wwaackk


May, 2021


102h 35m


first western fps rpg i've played in years and in that way it was refreshing. all other ways this is just a copy paste western rpg with nothing new to offer anybody. every side quest from act 2 on. panam ending. i had fun for a while but by the end was just playing to get to the end. but who is the 16 year old they paid from fiverr to write all the dialogue in this tho. so much dumb cringe slang in every sentence. "here's some detes doin' biz with some peeps" give me a fucking break. i don't care how fucked and dystopian the world gets nothing can justify self-respecting adults talking like this.



480h 0m


got bowser into elite smash


April, 2021


194h 0m


unbelievable one of a kind experience. absolutely perfect game. platinum trophy on first playthrough. will have sense memories tied to this one absolutely
