Same flaws and qualities as the base game

I doubt🤔 you could even imagine🤯 it. That which commanded✊🏻 the stars🌟, giving life🌱 its fullest brilliance✨. 👴🏻💍The Elden Ring👴🏻💍, 😩😩😩OHH😩😩😩 Elden Ring! Shattered✳️ by someone👤 or something👽. Don't❌ tell me you don't see👀 it. Look up👆🏻 at the sky🌫️, it burns🔥!

The game has interesting mechanics, but the average level design and the unremarkable bosses don't let the game reach its full potential. However, for an indie game made by only 15 people, the developers are to be congratulated.

Interesting proposal, but repeating the same tasks and listening to the same dialogue makes the game extremely tedious quickly and the weak narrative didn't contribute to me wanting to repeat them over and over again.

Weak plot, boring narrative and uninteresting characters. The gameplay is interesting but the combat gets repetitive over time. However, the game has its qualities: I really enjoyed the environment design and some secondary missions.

The first encounters with the alien are very scary, I shit in my pants every time. But after a few hours of gameplay, everything gets repetitive and monotonous: the game basically turns into a hide and seek and an electrician simulator. Not to mention the pacing and level design, which sucks most of the time.

Less a half star cause there is no tall lady

Another game inspired by the souls style. It has its qualities, but the repeatability of enemies and mediocre level design are quite uncomfortable. In addition, there is the worst flaw in the game: the bosses. Practically all of them follows the same recipe: they have two or three different attacks and summon zillions of mobs that only make the fight boring and with an artificial difficulty.
However, it is a very fun game when playing with friends. If I had finished it alone, my score would probably be no more than 3 stars.

Despite being the kickoff for one of the best game genres ever created, time was not very kind with it.