really good they dont really explain how to do attacks but once u learn how to its so good one of my favorite rhythm games

really fun rougelite lots to do and very fun builds to play with!


really a game that hits harder when youre not even a year from moving out and you think of your own mother's cooking and suddenly you are now crying while playing a video game. just all around a very good game that more than anything makes you want to go home to see your family

cute and enjoyable! finished in 39 minutes for my first run! for sure a game to just sit and play sometimes for fun

i wish we never get another silent hill game if they're going to be like this...


imagine what this couldve been if it was a finished game. every day i wonder and cry.

this game is too good for over half of the people who've played it to not know the themes of it in the slightest

big boss learns NOTHING this entire game

i replayed this recently. was lots of fun as a kid and even now. the end game also lets you do whatever on your little island and i spent hours and hours just creating and decorating everything.

ridiculously fun rhythm game. the hard mode is so crazy but i'm still having a lot of fun while playing!

why was he allowed to continue making games after this?

im still playing turf war and salmon run but i beat the story so im marking it as played. that secret kettle is so twisted and evil i cant even believe i beat it in the end