I have been searching for THIS ending in a videogame for years and years (base game). Absolutely wonderful way to give closure to the story.

If you haven't played this game yet, PLEASE read what I have to say here. If you, like me, are one that likes to enter games with as little knowledge of them as possible (apart from the vibe), then you ABSOLUTELY MUSTN'T read any "spoiler-free" review, watch any video about it, or even search for images online.

I will give some spoiler-free reasons to play this game after this, but let me back up my argument (which I guess comes off as very extreme). There is a certain element in this game that most people include in their reviews that is an incredibly huge spoiler that of course feels natural to talk about in the review, but it can ruin the expectations of someone who starts the game. I hate setting the expectations too high for anything either, but I'll say that I was very lucky to not have heard of this certain something before, and that allowed me to experience the most baffling moment in any piece of media ever. So, if you are like me and you like the vibe of this game, play it without reading more reviews, or anything really!

So, now that I'm done with this, I'll list a few spoiler-free elements of one of my favorite games of all time, in no specific order:
- Great difficulty
- The combat system is very nice and fast :)
- Cool art
- The english voice acting is impecable, easily the best one of any videogame I've ever played
- It has my favorite vidya OST as well
- The characters are cool and work very well with the story
- I actually have found the story to be a very enjoyable one, despite what some people say about it


I keep the fondest of memories of Transformice, a game that oozes personality to this day and in which I sank countless hours as a child (like 10-12 years old maximum).

To me, this and Team Fortress 2 are the personal proof that gaming today sucks and fun isn't even taken into account anymore.

A hidden gem and one of the best experiences I have had playing a videogame ever. Let me give you a list of a few amazing things this game has to offer:

- The game is overflowing with love and care, it is obvious that the devs put everything into crafting this masterpiece.
- The story unfolds in a very very nice way, and there actually two stories (mind you, this is an isekai): the game's story per se, and the MMO's story.
- Lea, the main character, is so beautifully designed, and it makes the strongest case I have ever seen for the inclusion of a "silent" protagonist in videogames. While she cannot speak, she definitely is not a passive agent in the story, you'll have to check that out for yourself ;)
- The characters in general are greatly crafted, with nice dialogues and personalities and very nice inclusions in the story.
- The game looks so good, and the character's art sprites are incredible. One just can't get enough of Lea's expressions.
- The level design comes off as very clever and intricate alike, both in the overworld and in the dungeons. Plus, the puzzles very rarely feel too difficult, and the game does an amazing job at subtly teaching you how to solve them.
- The final boss battle HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
- CrossCode also has a vast offering of quality of life elements that make you wonder why barely any other games have them, when they come off as obvious once you experience them here.
- It actually has a playable demo!
- The game features a Pippi Långstrump reference!
- Hi. Lea!

I am very grateful to have been able to experience CrossCode, and I hope you get to experience it someday as well.

This review contains spoilers

This game's first half promised so much, and the second half failed to meet the expectation it bestows unto itself.

I have two main big gripes with the second half of the game. Gameplay-wise, it sucks that you basically cannot complete some puzzles, more prevalent later on, without the use of a guide. Story-wise, the Hero didn't even appear at all on the second half of the game until the very ending. Uh, what? Why? Also, the desert zone is entirely skippable, which imo points at a poor design choice.

man, si no fos per cert detall...

The game is great but I find its biggest flaw in its inability to help the player avoid grinding for quite some time in some key places

hella GOATed 💞 it's been three years since I've played this game and it still holds a special place in my heart