you have to press p to start the game

Fucking amazing. It is powerwashing simulator but better. it is powerwashing simulator with a story and a world and a fuck ton more effort. It is the perfect simulator game: by far the best depiction of manual labor in a video game I've seen

Didn't even play 5 minutes and I already hate most things about this game.

Has the single largest negative stigma attached to it of any game ever, still a brilliant rpg and delivers exactly what it promised in terms of world and atmosphere (pre-PL).

Currently hunting all the achievements and wheel skeletons are still the worst thing to happen to gaming period. Everything else is fucking awesome. After Ornstein and Smough, yes the game does drop off slightly in cool-factor and enjoyment, but small things like Gwyndolin or Ariamis or the hidden passages of Seethe's lair are beautiful and awe-inspiring. Please play this game immediately.

Nothing compares to the joy I felt playing this as a young kid and unlocking Luigi. It was like a light switch that came on in my brain telling me what games could actually be.

I very much do not like this game. It was my first hoard shooter and I have played many past it and this one still feels stiff and murky


Not great, as far as immersive sims go it leans far too much into bullshit sim than immersive experience. Also I hate how every NPC has the exact same face.

Literal trash boring but has sex.

Still the greatest puzzle game ever made.

Obviously had a lot of care put into it, just a very old game and Guilty Gear Strive gives me enough of my fighting game fix.
But damn Arc System works knows how to make a game.

When I saw this game on stream I thought, "I don't really understand the appeal." The first moon I ever did once I bought the game immediately opened my eyes. This game is fucking hilarious and lovely and endlessly replayable, especially with friends.