One of the coolest games I’ve ever played. The traversal tools are so unique and fun to use, and the world is a joy to explore (the first 2-3 times lol). After that exploration becomes a bit tedious once you’re hunting for the few collectibles you missed, but the puzzles are so clever and well thought out that it’s easy to forgive this nitpick. I got the true ending but had to tap out there, everything after that feels way too complex for me but I’m excited to watch YouTube videos from people smarter than me!

A masterpiece of a game. The combat alone is reason enough for me to adore it, but the character writing and music are absolutely some of the best in the business. I don't know if I've ever loved a game's cast as much as I do 7 Remake's. The bones of them all were already there in the original, but each character is fleshed out so well, and the performances elevate the characters to even greater heights. I'll probably be replaying this one for the rest of my life.

Fun game! Some of the puzzles are a bit obtuse and the final boss fight was very frustrating, but overall a fun co-op experience with your partner!

Really interesting game, just felt kind of confused on what to do/where to go. Felt like I just kept running and running and finding new places with little to no direction.

Super addicting game! I’m not good enough to beat it but I can see myself going back to it often.

Might be my favorite game ever at this point? Hard to say, looking forward to replaying it whenever remake 3 comes out.

Fun and short jrpg. I wish more games had this level of pacing. The missions are fun and quick, the story is interesting, and the ending is one of the best I’ve seen in a game.

Awesome little game. The story is intriguing and full of twists and turns, and raises some interesting questions. Easy recommend and can be finished in a playthrough or two.

This game is like the perfect bowl of chicken soup. It doesn’t do anything groundbreaking, but literally everything it tries to do it achieves perfectly. The cast is so fun and charming, the story is engaging, the combat is tactical and thrilling, the world is a joy to explore and full of secrets. Easy recommendation for anyone to try out!

Really cool examination of game design.

Decently fun, but need to give it a better chance.

Not my favorite of these, hoping it gets remade because it was rough playing without the text-skip feature.

Really solid little zelda/soulslike. Fun combat and world, but a little punishing.