you learn the girls measurements when you win

one of the best jrpgs on wii

most people reviewing have never played the game

a worthy sequel full of a healthy contempt for its fans


a solid case for why team ninja shouldn't be allowed to make games anymore

The sequel to Bayonetta 2. I now see why Microsoft axed Scalebound. it's cool when she's naked

Link is more badass in this. Whether or not you like this or BOTW more depends on how much of an egghead you are. I'm more of a cool guy than a nerd so it not 100% my thing, but it's definitely worth the $70.

there won't be a ps6 if this is any indication

we're not falling for another shitty vaseline smear game

you play as a fat guy who murders the wonders of nature because he's hungry. who would invest time in this?

This review was written before the game released

more persona than smt, and a bad persona. bad protag design. lazy reused monster designs

the complaints about performance are overblown. not as good as arceus, but easily the best set of mainline games since Let's Go with great box legendaries. Looks stunning on the TV.