Fun mystery story about a bunch of nasty Britishers with some beautiful art and great presentation.

This is basically just classic Bomberman but with better graphics and a cool art style. There are a disappointing lack of modes but that is also normal for Bomberman outside of the 3D adventure games. I think this would have been more popular as an XBLA release.

Would actually be really cool if you didn't see a loading screen every two seconds.

They made a whole generation of Pokémon games for DS and released it a few months before the 3DS came out, so they tried really hard to make it unique. Cool visuals, all new Pokémon, unique and different story. Only bad part is the Unova region which is horrible and makes me suspect Game Freak thought all countries with white people are the same before they started going on fancy paid vacations.

The game automatically drowns your first slave so you don't have to like you had to in the first game. Big improvement. Faces are really ugly but based on the accents I think it's intentional.

The SEGA Saturn's answer to King's Field and Ocarina of Time. If it was released today it would be called a Soulslike and a Roguelike.

Virtual Hydlide has quite a few baffling design decisions and the Saturn can barely run it, but it has that special something that makes you want to keep playing despite it all. The game looks beautiful at times and can really draw you into it's world when it wants to. Give it a try!

I recommend you play on Normal or higher. At easy difficulty the game is so easy it becomes boring.

It's really crazy how only Nintendo has ever been able to make this type of game fun to play. Blurry visuals on the Saturn, possibly a bad port? I don't recommend this series at all.


Sadly very boring. You basically just walk around and occasionally jump. It is a 3D platformer that manages to feel even more dry and restricting than Klonoa. The vibes are of a digital-only 2016 3DS game.

The kind of game where moving around feels so good, something is missing when you play a different game and can't yo-yo boost anymore. Probably the best of this type of indie game once you get used to the unique controls.

The controls will take time to get used to, but they work and are designed well. I expect many will say the controls are "unfair" the same way people complained about Souls games a decade ago, but if you stick with it you will do great.

We love gambling, don't we folks?

Exactly what you'd expect. I bet the Saturn would have been able to produce a great port of Hot Wheels Stunt Track Driver.


Unorthodox indie metroidvania that stands out even more today after the genre has become oversaturated. A nice time capsule for late-2000's/early-2010's Gamer humor.

more of the same. give it a try but know this is a very niche game.

Probably the best persona game? Good music not too much fluff.