Another me-too indie game, this time for one of the 4 or so dark souls games that nobody else wants to rip off. You know the drill.

Pretty cool that you can shoot at pictures on the TV with a fake gun and they get shot! The third mode is really hard.

exactly what they promise on the box

evolution mechanic is cool. more panzer dragoon.

wowie zowie, new super mario bros is finally dead

more of the same. if you've played Spiderman and miles morals on ps5 this is more of that. don't go in expecting anything more than that and you'll be happy. this one is a little more buggy so maybe wait for a patch.

A joy from start to finish. From the creators of Dynamite Deka.

A natural continuation of the "paper" elements started in TTYD. Doesn't come close to Paper Mario or Super Paper Mario, but it's a decent enough 3DS Adventure game.

Really fun. The graphics are amazing and you unlock badges like Habbo Hotel. Give us Maximum Velocity 99 so I can play as Lord Cyber.

A fun remake of the 94 Donkey Kong game which unfortunately loses a bit of charm due to the removal of several Donkey Kong series staples (Junior in particular) and ugly visuals.

It funny how committed they were to not recording new voice lines. I think I even heard DK's shrug from Melee at one point.

Not a perfect game, but much better than some "reviewers" would have you believe. Highly recommended for fans of space games, badassery in general, and exploring space. Never quite hits the heights of Fallout 3 and Skyrim but if you were able to enjoy the other Fallout and Skyrim games there's a lot to love here.

unfortunately this is a platforming game where you never feel like you're controlling a character in a world. feels unfinished, will have to try the sequel and hope for better.

Less a sequel and more a grab bag of levels that didn't make it into the original game for one reason or another.