would be a cult hit xbla game in 2008, in 2022 its another one of these types of games made by somebody you've never heard of that they have to give away for free

the most creatively bankrupt the series has ever been, and very likely the worst 3D sonic period. it's past time to dissolve Sonic Team.

too short, but one of the funniest villain origin stories of all time. shadow really is the coolest

The sequel to Bayonetta 2. I now see why Microsoft axed Scalebound. it's cool when she's naked


first NSO stinker since Banjo. badass soundtrack tho

not bad but definitely outdated. ready for blooberteam to show what they can do with modern hardware to fix a lot of this games flaws (bad graphics, etc). outside of the outdated elements, I think it would be better if the player character was a current or even former swat officer so you could fight the monsters instead of just running away which is lame. but even with all these flaws you need to respect the history, even if it doesn't hold up today.

in the first 30 seconds you can shoot a dolphin and see blood come out, then you realize you can capture fellow divers in nets, then you fight the ancient Aztec blood serpent, then you read the manual and see most of it is explaining our hero's PTSD from murdering innocents in the gulf war


team ninja's best game. the boss fights are faithful to the nes game in that they're pretty bad and a lot of the character designs are obnoxious. the resident evil stuff is fun. it fun to flip around.

they got rid of overwatch and replaced it with something even less interesting and newcomer friendly and they need your phone #

a game clearly slapped together by two interns that accidentally became something people like

boxxle for people who took organic chemistry one time 10.years ago-- good phone port

bad character design, amateurish level design. another dud

classic line reads and sexy costumes