Martin Mystery meets Rhythm Heaven and looking like a Dreamcast game

they replace the noses with bats and that sets the tone for the whole game

Genuinely broken controls. If you get past them you're left with a rail shooter less mechanically interesting than Yar's Revenge 2011 and a bland action game. Story would have made a good anime and the music is good.

perfectly fine as long as you're not looking at it or listening to it. it's nice to see Marth.

The gameplay sequel to Star Fox 2 while wrapping up the story that started with Star Fox 64. The tactical gameplay is satisfying when you do well and multiple genuinely well written story paths keep you wanting to play and see them all. The idea of giving each character their own fighter is great and is realized well. Nice job Q Games

Gyro controls are interesting and score attack is nice. Visuals and voice over are an overall downgrade. Good if you have a 3DS but not a Switch with NSO for some reason.

A great game with a lot to love despite being a soft reboot when one wasnt really needed or wanted. Once you accept that Nintendo doesn't make tight games like they did around the turn of the century anymore there's a lot to love including some amazing boss fights.

Super ambitious and cool, but drops the ball on character interactions.


Clever, looks good, and feels good. The kind of single player game they don't really make anymore check it out

The last great 2D Metroid

the complaints about performance are overblown. not as good as arceus, but easily the best set of mainline games since Let's Go with great box legendaries. Looks stunning on the TV.

would be a cult hit xbla game in 2008, in 2022 its another one of these types of games made by somebody you've never heard of that they have to give away for free

the most creatively bankrupt the series has ever been, and very likely the worst 3D sonic period. it's past time to dissolve Sonic Team.