The best Fallout game ever, we have never even come close since. While Fallout 1 is great as well, I can’t think of anything better than 2, one of the best RPGs ever made.

Worth it for the soundtrack alone.

Without a shadow of a doubt the best survival horror game ever made, the quintessential classic in the genre. While Resident Evil 1 and 2 both have their charms, if you want the perfected form of classic Resident Evil gameplay then look no further, I constantly forget just how good this game is.

The original dreamcast version of Sonic Adventure is probably the best game in the series, I cannot imagine any other entry with as much charm and style as this. Truly a time capsule of a game, it is the earnestness in which it goes through its genuinely insane storyline that makes it so entertaining. Funny fast hedgehog saves the city from an ancient wrathful water god all while every character’s mouth movements look painful. If you can play this over the travesty of Sonic Adventure DX, please do.

What is there to say about Ocarina of Time anymore, it is iconic for a reason, an absolute classic, if you can get past the clunky visuals you can find so much here.

What if Resident Evil 4 was bad?

Another addition to the list of games I wish I enjoyed, Ultimate is a good game, I recognise that. Maybe it’s just nostalgia blinding me, but I just enjoy all the previous entries more. I played this game to death like every other Smash game, but unlike the others I felt it was missing something, like it was almost too good. Missing some janky charm, I had no desire to get good at it like with the others, the idea of being competitive seemed tiring. Daisy is pretty cool though so I mean, yeah.

Half-Life is an absolute classic, I’ve played it so many times I can map out the Black Mesa research facility in my head. Great atmosphere especially if you have your settings right, which the steam release didn’t up until recently. Everyone should play Half-Life, as outside of a few tedious sections it is one of the most fun and engaging games from the time and holds up remarkably well as a first person shooter.

I’m sorry, I really wanted to like this game, and maybe I will. I just don’t feel at all captured by it the way other people do, felt like a slog. I will return to finish it, but as of right now I couldn’t really recommend this to anyone, one of the few games I’d argue actually does work better as a show.

It’s the only good 3D Fallout game and that’s not saying much, but it’s actually good outside of that too! Great even! The game is definitely overhyped, and the performance issues are pretty bad and require third party patches, not exactly the developers’ fault, more Bethesda’s but it still is a pretty egregious problem, other than that Fallout New Vegas is one of the best RPGs ever made, there is so much to see and so many unique ways to engage, player freedom is so rewarded, you can be so many different types of people.

I cannot fully articulate how much I adore this game, it is absolutely impossible to give a fair review but I’ll try my best anyway.

Resident Evil 4 remake is one of the most fun video games ever made, pure mechanical and aesthetic bliss. Initially I was extremely worried, the trailers made it seem more like the previous remakes with cheap horror, dark hallways and flashlights, but no, this game is not a horror game, it doesn’t even try, and that’s okay. Every character is a huge improvement over their original, both in design and writing. Characters are given way more time to breathe, the combat is given new depth, it truly is a new game, it is not a remake. It is a second attempt at an old idea, a new take on an old story and characters and that’s the best thing it could be. I love Ashley Graham she’s the absolute best and a major improvement over the original.

Please play this game as just a game, the idea that it’s a remake does it a disservice.

Genuinely one of the most fun and charming games ever made, puts a smile on my face like nothing else, the first true successor to Mario 64 and it does it perfectly.

What had the potential to be a very interesting exploration of the archetypal action game protagonist and their psyche, is fumbled entirely by being a Ubisoft game.

Half-Life 2 really should be better than the original, yet to me at least, it isn’t. Half-Life 2 is clearly trying to do something new and different, but feels like it lost something as a result. As a physics tech demo it is fantastic, no matter how many years go by flinging objects and bolting combine to the walls is still just as fun. However it is let down by a lack of weapon variety, overall weaker presentation on said weapons and a more generic shooter feel in comparison to the 90s sci-fi halls of Black Mesa and the feeling of a grand disaster happening around you.

Resident Evil Village is a personal favourite, more of a guilty pleasure as even someone as biased as me can recognise the faults. Village’s aesthetic is by far its strongest part. The game’s dark fantasy feel almost makes me think of Twilight Princess every time I play.

Resident Evil 4 in first person sure is a fun game, the action nonsense is unfortunately worsened slightly by being built on its predecessor, Resident Evil 7, using a lot of the same controls and mechanics from a much more horror focused game. Regardless, Village is one of the most earnestly camp games in recent memory, and it stands as a personal favourite as a result.