12 reviews liked by cauabertoldo

A very cozy game with very cute mechanics, which I very much enjoyed! Could be a bit longer though. :3

This game definitely has alot of flaws:
- bad camera
- extremely buggy
- inconsistent platforming
- lack of enemy/weapon variety

but goddammit if it doesnt have alot of charm and whimsy that kept me pushing through the bullshit. The one weapon you're unfortunately locked into is pretty fun, esp when you can stick it into some trash and it turns into a hammer. So many little things add up to create a game thats greater than the sum of its parts in so many ways. Also, alot of those issues are fixable. This game has a fantastic setting, and its story and characters are fun and kept me hooked....get it? Buy in a few months once all the bugs are fixed.

Jogo até que é legalzinho. Mas está com péssima performance no switch; Bugs, travamentos e quedas de fps significativa. Vou pedir reembolso

It reminded me that life can be magical and not everything needs to be complex. It can be simple and loving, like this game.
Me lembrou que a vida pode ser mágica e nem tudo precisa ser complexo. Pode ser simples e com carinho, que nem esse jogo.

Yeah I’m sure earthbound beginnings is a primitive rpg with a lot of flaws that make for an overall tedious experience, but I guess I’ll never really know because I played it with the 25th anniversary patch and decided to just have a lot of fun instead.

And if you don't like the graphical changes made for it, there's a patch for that too!

That was so wonderful. What a complete joy to play. Everything it tries to do it NAILS. I think that's because it has a fairly small scope and simple premise. Idk if it's as good as A Short Hike but it's pretty darn close.

Jesus christ this game had no right being as good as it was

Phantom is amazing. The Mario roast was the best thing ever. The game is really good (and fun), way more than I expected to be frank.


pois bem, eu tenho uma relação de amor e ódio com esse jogo eu jogava muito no Dynavision