damm fine game. cool art direction. finally 3d platformer with textures on the objects

amazing. also the fact the game has a genesis homebrew port

no way im tracking every pokemon to meet Arceus, i got every pokemon i found, like 190 of them, so im glad with the results plus i got to beat the shit out of Giratina.
game is absolutely good, no complaints. theres no grinding at all, the game is always balanced organically.
AND GOD DAYUM THE OST for this game didnt had to be this good damm, all bangers, the fucking band dude, ill listen to the ost for this game for years to come

can we call it Ashoke-like yet? delightful

full of good moments and really insteresting humour. good lenght but the puzzles suck. also Yoshi breaks the balance with how much op he is, but thats good since you get him late in the game and the last boss is a fucking hard battle for a game like this. 2 or 3 battles in the game were roadblocks with a difficulty spike so high you need to retry lots of times, but they actually were good moments, kinda show how the game's system can be complex. so far so good, i didnt played the DK dlc

Veeeery little to do with being a "Pikmin alike" game. throwing tinykins, collecting objects etc, is not as a deep mechanic here as it is in Pikmin. here it feels like a gimmick.
AND YET, the game is so straight forward, cool and vibey. the sets feel natural, movement too. The tragic final is surprising, but by the end you probably already thought about the tragedy and guessed the plot.
cool game, but dont play it expecting youre going to fulfill some sort of Pikmin emptiness, its not that kind of inspiration.


me as a dumb ass kid renting this shitty game thinking it was a toy story game