This was my first time actually playing through the game as it never clicked about a decade ago when I first played Quake 1, and then on my replay of that remaster I installed a source port for 2 but never got around to it before this remaster came out. 3/4 of the game was actually quite fun, but the amount of spongy enemies near the end becomes quite tedious. I probably should have also played through it on nightmare because besides for the start, the game seemed quite easy on hard. Soundtrack goes hard.

On yet another replay, I found myself enjoying some levels that I used to absolutely despise. I am definitely a bit nostalgia blinded as this was one of my favourite games growing up, but I believe every level except for the ending of bathhouse are all enjoyable. Love the soundtrack.

Not great not bad. Starts off strong but becomes pretty tedious near the end. Ending boss can just completely cheese. Constantly hearing "nope don't need it" and damage sounds from turrets that you can't destroy also gets annoying. The objectives seemingly don't matter but at least it allowed me to turn my brain off.

Improved upon the first in many ways but still keeps a lot of the annoying parts. First 3/4 of the game is quite strong and atmospheric, but the last 2 levels are a slog. Chaos theory the undisputed goat.

It's classic DOOM but different. Starts off kind of slow and easy but from level 12ish and on it picks up and I quite enjoyed it, though lack of quick saves on some levels was frustrating.

Quite janky and some really frustrating parts on hard, but having a dedicated kick button and lots of goofy deaths kept the game enjoyable. Story kind of sucks but the gameplay is fun. Didn't crash that much but still a problem.

I liked the first half of the game a fair bit although it felt quite linear, but later on there was way too much trial and error and forced shootouts that I was just trying to get through it.

The beginning of the game is a bit hard to get in to but this game has a lot good going on. So many different ways to approach situations with skills and quest items, although hard to figure out at first. Save often and get the first quest out of the way as soon as possible so you can go at your own pace.

1.3 makes the game playable but too many bad design choices keep it from being a good game. Episode 1 is bad, 2 and 3 are decent, and then it falls off again in episode 4.

Short and sweet, better than RoE. Hell sequence pretty fun.

It's fine.. artifact with the abundance of bodies kind of ruins the flow of the game though, makes it all super easy.


A fun quake-like that starts off normal then gets weird as hell, but in a good way at least. Some annoying instant death traps on higher difficulties, but none of the levels long enough to make restarting unenjoyable. Good length for game, doesn't overstay it's welcome.

A lot of it is quite obscure being how faithful it is to the original and could be a bit frustrating at times, but besides for maybe the bad feeling melee combat (guns feel amazing though) I had a really enjoyable time. Loved all the little attention to detail, especially what happens after berserk stims wear off. Soundtrack is kind of non existent but I could tell this definitely went more for atmosphere rather than the original. I highly recommend having a notepad and pencil nearby while playing, and maybe don't play on "beat the game in under 10 hours" for your first ever time playing the game.. Can't wait for System Shock 2 enhanced.


Main game is great, fun level design and immersive soundtrack, but the mission packs aren't very good. Hope to play the one they added for the remaster but dissolution of eternity killed my drive to continue.

Too much backtracking to either find a single item you missed before or a cutscene to progress the game. Might pick it up again later to finish it but I get annoyed each time I play it so I won't force myself.