I'll come back to this version eventually to play the expansions but I tried Duke it out in DC and wasn't a fan so I'll say completed for now. It's mostly a pretty good game, I think only a few levels I really disliked. A classic build engine game but some of the humor isn't as funny being older now. Still though, build engine games are fun to play, and I do look forward to revisiting this game in the future.

Is the reverse castle padding? Maybe, but even knowing it would happen it's a cool twist. Good level design to play whole castle again in reverse. Obviously the best Castlevania game. As far as Metroidvanias go, I probably like Super Metroid more, but both games have a similar annoying part, where major progression is stuck behind a secret. Opening menu over and over to heal is also quite annoying. Besides that, I was hooked. Amazing game.

Quite a fun game, the level design for the most part is great, aside from the sewer. I can imagine all the verticality and such would be mind blowing in 1995, though the way you sort of slide when sprinting and jumping can also be a bit of a hindrance. Hardest level without spoiling is the one with all the stupid mines, only difficult and annoying thing in the entire game. Quickly setup The Dark Engine to save you money on the remaster for basically the same experience.

I will slowly pick away at EROTT but for now I'm saying it is complete. It's a pretty unique shooter that has a lot of good going for it though I think all the tanky enemies while having to use the MP40 gets quite tedious. The new episode suffers from that the least as the map creators recognized this and provided a nice cathartic monk killing level. It's cool that it's basically an advanced Wolfenstein 3D 2, I just wish there was a shotgun because again killing things can be tedious, as well as almost everything being a hitscanner. Also some of the most annoying (but funny) sounds in gaming. DOOM is my FPS GOAT but wow this OST is probably better than DOOM.

It's very nostalgic to go back to this one, most of the game is pretty good. I think the soundtrack is one of the best in the series. The Triforce collecting is a bit of a slog but it's not too bad if you plan ahead with stockpiling rupees. Lots of side stuff to do, definitely one of the more chill Zelda entries with sailing the sea. Main complaint is that boat combat is pretty annoying, just tedious getting knocked off to having to climb back on and try again.

Either I don't like the game as much anymore or I didn't enjoy the DLC that much. It was alright, just found it to be more boring than I remember the base game being.

I always liked Quake 1 more than Quake 2 but this is potentially swaying me over to 2. Great from start to finish, uses the annoying enemies from other mission packs in actual fun ways. No annoying backtracking. Makes the SSG feel good by having you fight waves of grunts, feeling like you're using the DOOM double barrel.

Still one of the best games on the SNES and a personal favourite. Set up the metroidvania formula perfectly.

Quite a bit easier when you've beaten it a couple of times. Really hard to get lost when the game tells you where to go next. Dungeons are all pretty easy to navigate too. Amazing sprite work and music. Set up the Zelda formula for OoT to knock it out of the park.

It's really bad. Turrets around every corner and the spongy Daedalous aren't hard they're just annoying. Doesn't help that there's 167!! turrets on hard. Backtracking in this is bad, good thing the remaster has the compass.

I started playing this recently during a bit of a rough mental health patch, figured it would be a good comfort game. There's not much I can say about this game that hasn't already been said, and I can't rate it any lower with how much I played it as a kid. That being said, some of the things you need to progress in the game would be really annoying to figure out if I didn't basically remember the whole game from how much I've played it. Water Temple hate is blown out of proportion, though it is probably the weakest temple of the game. Although I do like Majora's more, everybody should play this at least once.

Better than the 2 official Quake 1 mission packs, and maybe slightly better than Dimensions of the Past. The spongy enemies are only annoying in the last unit, and they're more fun to fight than the hordes of Death Knights in that mission pack. Only thing I really disliked was that sometimes you'd see items where you'd have to rocket jump to get, and some of them randomly would have invisible walls stopping you from jumping up. Recycling bosses was kind of whatever too, but at least you can horde power ups to deal with it quick. Maybe a little too long, but overall had fun with it.

It's fine, better than the 2 mission packs before it, but it has way too many of my least favourite enemy (death knight). Luckily it's pretty short and doesn't overstay its welcome.

Finally an actual good Quake mission pack (accidentally skipped Dimension of the Past before playing this so don't know if that's good). Ending level was pretty frustrating on nightmare but besides that the game was a good challenge.

2012~ was a great time for indie games