Very cool, lots of different content to come back to.

It's cool it's just a little short, can finish it in one sitting easily. The Chasm The Rift influence / assets are heavy in this, but part of it also gave me DOOM 3 vibes. If you really like Chasm (like I do) give it a go, otherwise it might not be for you.

After trying a few different times and always giving up on the Thieves Guild, I finally beat this game. So much of it is very immersive and has more good levels than not, but the bad levels are really bad. Some people dislike the supernatural stuff but at least those levels were immersive enough to not be bad like Thieves, Mage's Tower, or Lost City. Most of the ending levels aren't good though (Escape in particular), but they're not as bad as those 3. I only skipped skipped one level, but skip the levels you hate and you'll have a lot better of a time. Sound design unmatched and I often found myself sitting still and taking it all in.

Harder than the first SIGIL on UV. Probably won't pistol start each level for this for awhile. Fun levels, some of Romeros classic bullshit death traps but overall pretty good. Happy 30th DOOM


I got really hyper fixated on beating this and beat it super quick. I never beat this before and tried to play it a few months ago on N64, really not a fan of the first couple of levels but it gets a lot more enjoyable later on, though some of those later levels would have really sucked on N64. It's quite fun, there's a lot of different weapons you get to use and most of them feel good to use, especially the auto shotgun with explosive ammo. Play this remaster, don't play N64.

Slightly better than 2 in that it has less annoying bits, though I do find it quite a bit easier.

It's like goldeneye but its own thing. 60 fps on original Xbox is pretty wild. I remembered renting future shock as a kid but never really played much more, it's a fun series so far.

Played through it a second time on hard. I had many moments of thinking "wow this is the best boomer shooter ever" to "wow this game is complete bullshit." I still really enjoy it, hard doesn't really change my opinion. It's unique and atmospheric, though episode 2 is quite different than the rest.

The atmosphere is amazing but the last area lessened the experience a little bit. Will have to replay sometime for the other ending.

Very good sequel, just doesn't have as many memorable levels as the first game.

It's a cool short horror game that you can finish in one sitting, with also some hidden achievements it seems.

Pretty fun, though I think it drags on a little long. Beat on hardest difficulty but surprisingly the place that gave me the most trouble was some room with tons of aspiring champions back in episode 1. Good update when they allowed you to toggle the red overlay.

Short but cheap and quite fun. Only real problem I had with the game was that it was quite easy, even on the second hardest difficulty.

Single player can be a bit frustrating at times but overall enjoyable. Always fun to come back to for local MP.

Played like 3/4 of it on console but ended up getting too frustrated at controls so I finished it on PC remaster. It's pretty decent, though feels more like an expansion pack with how short it is. MP is fun too. Quite hard on N64, though that's definitely part controls part not being able to save.