After playing this I think I prefer 2D Metroids, but this entry definitely has a lot of cool things going for it. All of the weapons except for maybe the slow moving ice gun are fun to use, all of the scanners are very cool, the soundtrack is amazing, and all the little details like seeing your face when your helmet fogs, or seeing your bones when using an x-ray scanner and being hit are nice. Scanning every little thing to get higher rating seems way too tedious to me, but if you want a lot of Metroid lore this is a great game for that.

Harder than the first SIGIL on UV. Probably won't pistol start each level for this for awhile. Fun levels, some of Romeros classic bullshit death traps but overall pretty good. Happy 30th DOOM

I started playing this recently during a bit of a rough mental health patch, figured it would be a good comfort game. There's not much I can say about this game that hasn't already been said, and I can't rate it any lower with how much I played it as a kid. That being said, some of the things you need to progress in the game would be really annoying to figure out if I didn't basically remember the whole game from how much I've played it. Water Temple hate is blown out of proportion, though it is probably the weakest temple of the game. Although I do like Majora's more, everybody should play this at least once.

I always liked Quake 1 more than Quake 2 but this is potentially swaying me over to 2. Great from start to finish, uses the annoying enemies from other mission packs in actual fun ways. No annoying backtracking. Makes the SSG feel good by having you fight waves of grunts, feeling like you're using the DOOM double barrel.

Short and sweet, better than RoE. Hell sequence pretty fun.

It's like goldeneye but its own thing. 60 fps on original Xbox is pretty wild. I remembered renting future shock as a kid but never really played much more, it's a fun series so far.

Slightly better than 2 in that it has less annoying bits, though I do find it quite a bit easier.

Great weapon variety and level design, aside from it feeling a bit too long at times. Beat on max difficulty and wasn't too hard besides the last level. Game has auto aim on by default which messes with headshots as it forces you to hit center mass from further away, would have saved me lots of ammo and given me more armour if I had noticed earlier.

Is the reverse castle padding? Maybe, but even knowing it would happen it's a cool twist. Good level design to play whole castle again in reverse. Obviously the best Castlevania game. As far as Metroidvanias go, I probably like Super Metroid more, but both games have a similar annoying part, where major progression is stuck behind a secret. Opening menu over and over to heal is also quite annoying. Besides that, I was hooked. Amazing game.

Probably the most difficult Metroid I've played, but a good classic style entry.

I would give it a 5 if it wasn't for the last 3 levels. Soundtrack is amazing and hope to play Spies v Mercs one day.

A lot of it is quite obscure being how faithful it is to the original and could be a bit frustrating at times, but besides for maybe the bad feeling melee combat (guns feel amazing though) I had a really enjoyable time. Loved all the little attention to detail, especially what happens after berserk stims wear off. Soundtrack is kind of non existent but I could tell this definitely went more for atmosphere rather than the original. I highly recommend having a notepad and pencil nearby while playing, and maybe don't play on "beat the game in under 10 hours" for your first ever time playing the game.. Can't wait for System Shock 2 enhanced.

It's fine.. artifact with the abundance of bodies kind of ruins the flow of the game though, makes it all super easy.

I liked this a lot more than other people it seems. The instadeath stuff is a bit annoying but besides that I found the game quite enjoyable, kind of a cool take on bosses for the most part. I liked how claustrophobic it was, not every old school shooter needs to be big open maps. Shooting off enemy limbs will never get old. Story is whatever but so is almost every other FPS from this time. Might end up replaying it with the DOS launcher to see how different it is.

1.3 makes the game playable but too many bad design choices keep it from being a good game. Episode 1 is bad, 2 and 3 are decent, and then it falls off again in episode 4.