pre-review discourse

typically i don't review games until i've seen enough to form what i believe is a cohesive and justified opinion, and i only log games that i've reviewed

so consider this a spot for my underdeveloped thoughts that i want to spit out in some form regardless. everything here will be spoiler-free

Turboroko: Path to Passion Fever
Turboroko: Path to Passion Fever
truth be told i'm actually still fighting the door
Front Mission 2
Front Mission 2
i've played through more than half of this - constant emulator crashing and all

it's very interesting, and the game itself is great on paper, but the animations are way too goddamn long, they often freeze, and turning them off means having no fucking idea what mech parts were damaged (which is crucial information). it's a massive pain in the ass, but i still love it. wanzer making
Star Ocean: The Divine Force
Star Ocean: The Divine Force
this is quite possibly the absolute worst party ai i have ever needed to wrangle in any video game
Star Ocean: The Divine Force
Star Ocean: The Divine Force
wow these boss fights suck
Star Ocean: The Divine Force
Star Ocean: The Divine Force
roughly ten hours in

combat's good, which is to be expected for a tri ace game. i'm not sold on the characters yet - they're tremendously bland and the story has gone absolutely nowhere so far. hoping that changes soon. hoping to get some greater environmental variety too (preferably sci-fi themed)


500 Caliber Contractz
500 Caliber Contractz
this is gonna be a 10/10 if the guy doesn't fumble the rest of the stages


i've got like 2-4 hours left

i'll beat it someday. it's fun and quirky. i feel like i can predict what's gonna happen from ten miles away but it's enjoyable nonetheless


played most of it in one sitting. probably gonna need to replay to remember all the context when i get back around to it

i liked it a lot. tons of cool imagery and the story was intriguing even if it was incredibly derivative


Lost Planet: Extreme Condition
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition
halfway through?

monster hunter but good but bad idk. i like it conceptually more than anything else. still wanna finish it


Moon: Remix RPG Adventure
Moon: Remix RPG Adventure
got stuck somewhere and haven't picked it back up yet (guides didn't exist at the time of the switch release). i am however through the majority of the game

what can i say that hasn't already been said? it's fucking excellent. especially love the little walkman you get and all the songs you can find for it. soundtrack absolutely slaps. cums even


Never 7: The End of Infinity
Never 7: The End of Infinity
finished a couple routes. still need to complete

i'm a pretty big uchikoshi fan, and this is filled with the kinds of character interactions i love his work for. it's definitely heavier on the romcom angle than the sci fi, and the ui is some of the worst shit i've ever seen, but there's something incredibly charming about how amateurish all this feels (and is)


in the third zone

apart from the utterly childish title (rectum + internal... grow up!) this is a very good roguelike and that comes from someone who often has bad things to say about roguelikes


Sakura Taisen
Sakura Taisen
i did a few chapters

it's fun when you're not in the srpg missions. that stuff's awful. slowest and easiest shit i've ever played


Soul Nomad & the World Eaters
Soul Nomad & the World Eaters
disgaea but better. yuri lowenthal's only good role. [REDACTED] is a funny word


Tales of Eternia
Tales of Eternia
i dunno if i made it like 1/3 or halfway. ask my good friend killbutt for that information

meh. i'm mildly confident this series is just lesser but more marketable star ocean


demo thoughts: kinda boring. combat has potential but it isn't backed by anything interesting. environment's lame, enemies are lame, lore is lame. everything also looks like it's been caked in piss and smegma for some reason; foreskin


Gungrave G.O.R.E
Gungrave G.O.R.E
the reception this one has gotten is pretty funny to me. i purchased this expecting a mildly improved gungrave game in 2022, and that's precisely what i've gotten

it's fun. it's not gonna blow your mind, but it's entertaining, and that's all that matters


Hi-Fi Rush
Hi-Fi Rush
played this at launch but never finished it. the combat's nice and i appreciate the attention to detail in animation (even if i don't care much for the actual aesthetic)

where this game kills me is in its music selection. it's way, way, way too 00s radio-rock oriented for me to take it seriously

the black keys should not be anywhere near this game. and fuck you for picking "1,000,000" by NIN when there's trent's entire catalog up to 2005 on standby. fuck you again for "the perfect drug" because that's the worst song from that timespan that you could have chosen


InuYasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask
InuYasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask
genuinely purgatorial experience


whoops wrong game


Prey: Mooncrash
Prey: Mooncrash
saved a few crew members

it's pretty cool but the moonbase isn't as interesting as talos i


Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
played a few levels

the definition of mid. wildly overhated. with some friends this would be a good time


Star Ocean: Blue Sphere
Star Ocean: Blue Sphere
tales but good


Star Ocean: The Last Hope - 4K & Full HD Remaster
Star Ocean: The Last Hope - 4K & Full HD Remaster
definitely think i'm more than halfway through. pretty sure my party is nearly fully assembled too

i fucking love it, but there's some things that irk me. the cast is thoroughly entertaining (granted that fucking cat girl and welch are both grating as hell) the story is captivating (not to mention loaded with callbacks to previous games) and the battle system is fun as hell

one problem i've got:

the targeting system (or lack thereof) is fucking horrible! when fighting hordes it's almost impossible to reliably blindside enemies. causes a lot of frustration! still love the game tho

so3 better


Star Ocean: The Second Story R
Star Ocean: The Second Story R
yeah, nothin' doin'. played the demo and i'm neither a fan of how absolutely hideously saturated and bright it is (even with bloom off) nor am i fond of the combat being turbo dumbed down to the point where enemies die in a couple hits even on universe - unless they're bosses, in which case they're just needlessly spongy (but still not difficult)

hard pass. cool that they put the ps1 art in the status screens though


Super Sami Roll
Super Sami Roll
you'd think this would be total shovelware but it's actually the best modern 3d platformer in years


Time and Eternity
Time and Eternity
played a few hours. beat a boss who made casting couch references

impressively stupid game. i'll probably play more just cause of how fucking weird it is


Trash Panic
Trash Panic
made it to the last stage

it's god tier


Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
demo thoughts: serves as a pretty good reminder for why i love stranger of paradise and don't care for soulslikes


1 year ago

where's gta 3

1 year ago

play a different game

1 year ago

"typically i don't review games until i've seen enough to form what i believe is a cohesive and justified opinion"

whatever u say, charlesler

1 year ago

ill play a different game when it's better than 3...

1 year ago

many, many games are better than gta

1 year ago

this is false.

1 year ago

huss you've literally played less than 50 games. it's time to broaden your horizons

1 year ago

erm ive actually played more games but i dont log them here...
huss play dds

1 year ago

You know what's up with that Super Sami Roll note my guy.

8 months ago

I fully expect the star ocean 2 remake to be mid as fuck, just like the rest of the series.

8 months ago

@crossoffate i'm super fond of 3 and to different-but-equal extent 4, but yeah, 2 isn't my favorite game in the first place and the remake isn't doing anything to change that. especially considering the combat in the demo was either braindead and simple or annoyingly spongy and simple

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