Great ideas that don't live up to their full potential but still pretty decent overall even if the gameplay got really dull by the end. Fuck them birds

Like going to an art gallery in hell and also Thom Yorke is there

Super solid game. Quality 3D platformer and an incredible tech demo. Sequel's gonna kick ass.

Refines the best aspects of the series up until that point to create of the most quality kirby games ever. Grew up with this one and for 10+ years it was the only Kirby game I'd ever properly played so it's gonna take a lot for anything to dethrone it as my favourite 2d entry (Planet Robobot has a good shot tho). The additions made to this port are excellent too and help to round out what was already a great game into a fantastic package.

Expands DL2 into a more consistently fun and better paced game. Outside of the awesome art style and the animal friends it's just kind of a base line good kirby game. All around solid and always fun but not much special in the context of the whole series. Absolutely hate that the animal friends are sad if you don't pick them tho. If they're really considering doing more 2d kirby along side the new 3d ones I think a dreamland 4 or something to that effect would be a great way to make a new game that feels distinct from the run of modern 2d kirby beginning from return to dreamland whilst justifying it's place alongside 3d kirby by offering something a little different.

Great lil game with really satisfying platforming and great level design. Awesome aesthetics and cool music being the cherry on top. Insane value for £6 like even double that would be a great deal. Would love to see something a little bigger from this team in the future since there's a huge amount of potential to build upon.

None of the campaigns individually are amazing but as a complete package SSU is pretty bonkers

would be cooler if it didnt have those flying things that kill your animal friends

Massive jump in quality between this and K1. Would be on par with 0 for me if it weren't for the issues holding the game back. Even as someone who has never played og 2 I can tell K2 is a bit iffy as a remake in some parts.

Music is a big detractor. Most of the ost is fine but very repetetive and dull and there are two instances where a vocal track heavily detracts from some of the most memorable scenes of the game (if you've played this you know which parts I mean). I don't even dislike SiM, The Rumbling is a banger and the song they did for the credits was pretty cool but those two moments were laughably innapropriate. Also the two side games were wedged in without really fitting the narrative. One of many examples of the Kiwamis doing something because 0 did it and not because it really makes sense for the game. Cabaret Club is still cool but it already exists in 0 I can just play it there and the way they intigrate Majima construction into the story is so comically unnatural that I could tell within seconds that the game had switched to a K2 exclusive cutscene. Those introductary cutscenes for that mode are genuinely some of the least naturally written scenes I've ever watched. Also some minor gripes while I'm complaining. The green filter that exists basically anywhere that isn't Sotenbori really detracts from the games otherwise solid visuals and every now and then the ps2 caliber animations were a bit distracting,. The Xbox One port could run a lot better too but it's not terrible or anything.

That being said, in spite of some faults, Kiwami 2 is still a great entry. The story really surpirised me with how great it was, even knowing it was somewhat of a fan favourite. It's not as big and chaotic as 0's story but it's got a great mystery/set of mysteries that unfold in ways I never would of expected making for a plot that gradually gets better and better right until it's final moments. Some fantastic characters as well. Ryuji is the best antagonist I've seen so far from the series. Would've been easy to make him one note and have the charisma carry his character there's a good amount to him in spite of how planly villanous his motivations are. Sayama and Kawara were great too.

Thanks to quality of life improvements provided by the Dragon Engine, K2 may be my favourite in the series so far for it's gameplay. This may be contraversial but I really enjoyed the combat for how fluid it was and though it lacks some of the impact of 0's I would probably say I prefer it (0 still has better boss fights tho). Being able to see substories on the map, rather than happening upon them randomly, was an absolute game changer for me and encouraged me to complete more than the amount I did in 0 and K1 combined (56/76). That and a bunch of other little improvements made me want to engage with the content outside of the story more than ever before.

A more ideal remake could've made this game truly fantastic but as is this was still a great game that I enjoyed letting consume my life over the last few days. Even after well over 50 hours between this and K1 over the last two weeks, I can't wait for the next chance to continue with this series.

Some of the best levels in any 3D platformer I've played and an absolute joy to 100%.

Basically a little snippet of what a 3d mario in this style could look like but can't fully commit to delivering on it's ideas due to existing essentially as an add on or at least not it's own game designed from the ground up to accomodate it's ideas. A lot of fun tho for what it is and makes for a nice n quick 100% you can do in a couple hours.

Galaxy 2 was made to be a more linear game than it's predeccesor basically revolving around the philosophy of throwing great ideas and level designs at the player at a breakneck pace and moving onto the next thing asap to keep the game fresh. fun and everdevoloping. The problem that I found with the game, however, was that it was constrained in it's delivery of this philosophy due to it existing as a sequel to Galaxy and not as it's own original entry built from the ground up to facilitate these concepts. 3D World to me is the game Galaxy 2 set out to be. And this comparison isn't made just to shit on Galaxy 2 they're both great games (and I probably even prefer Galaxy 2 just for how good some of it's level design is) but the difference highlights how well 3D World exceeds in being the type of game it wants to be.

This game has some of the best pacing of any platformer I've played. Levels have enough depth between collecting stars and engaging with unique mechanics to be thoroughly enjoyable yet only take up a couple minutes at a time. And with the switch port especially, jumping into the next levels takes only a second. Hours will fly by playing this before you even realise you've played most of the game in one sitting. The only thing really holding this game back for me is that no matter how well designed a game like this is I'm always going to prefer the more adventurous tone of games like Galaxy 1 or the sandbox style of games like Odyssey. And also, more obviously could've been done to differentiate aesthetically from typical Mario conventions but the approach makes sense within the context of this game. As is, 3D World exceeds in being a purely linear 3D Mario more effectively than any other in the series and that's worth praising.

Game has some rough edges (mainly in the combat) but that story is damn near immaculate

On the verge of being a truly fantastic modern 3d platformer but held back by some minor issues. Firslty, I'll say the art direction, level design and music are all top notch and some of the best I've seen from the genre. As for the movement, it took a while to click together due to a few odd control choices that prevent it from being as smooth as it could be. As well it's held back by the somewhat unpolished state the game released in. The air dash, which when functional is very satisfying, doesn't always register which can be really frustrating when the entire game revolves around it's movement system. With that said, the movement, at its best, is still a blast once you adjust to it's excentricities and I'd argue some of the best in the genre in recent years. It is a shame that the game released early as I think even those 4 short months could've gone a long way in buffing out the games' rough edges. The foundation here is something I can really get behind, especially as a massive fan of 3d Sonic, and as the game is it's still a really enjoyable 3d platformer that I'd recommend to fans of the genre (although I would probably advise waiting for a patch). I'm really excited to see where Evening Star go from here I think they've proven well enough that they're capable of great things and I'm looking forward to seeing what they can build from this game into whatever they work on next.