Press F to pay respects to the CoD entry that split the fanbase for years with its science fiction setting and jumpy gameplay that tried to ape Titanfall, as it set the format for the series for a few years going forward and doesn't have much appeal looking back aside from its one meme and that creep Kevin Spacey playing the lead villain in the story.

An improvement from the last two entries (the last two CoDs not the last two Black Ops games specifically) and HOLY SHIT THERE'S MOD SUPPORT but otherwise more of the same jumpy twitch gameplay that tries to cater to the Titanfall and Counter-Strike crowds equally but doesn't really please either.

Call of Duty in spaaaaaaace.

I feel like this one gets a bad rap for doubling-down on the science fiction elements that polarized fans with the last two entries. It's an unremarkable game and the multiplayer's just more of the same but the campaign had some cool moments which is more than I could say for the other sci-fi-heavy CoDs.

Easily the best campaign the series has had in years, but its multiplayer leaves a sour taste with its manipulative monetization model and out-of-place cosmetics.

A solid WWII shooter with a nice amount of variety in its campaign, excellent sound design, and good multiplayer maps. Nice to look back on how simple things were for the series before Modern Warfare was a thing.

A very mediocre throwaway spinoff to serve as one final cash-in for the aging PS2 before the series moved-on for good.

Short but sweet, Luigi's Mansion is a fun, lighthearted take on the survival horror genre with some nice visuals and level design and fun ghostbusting mechanics, and playing as Luigi instead of Mario is a nice change of pace for the series making for a unique launch title, even if it doesn't break a lot of new ground like many Mario games tend to do at the dawn of a new console generation.

A lowpoint for Nintendo and for the Wii. Wii Music promises a fun creative-type game like Mario Paint but ultimately devolves into being a sort of lame toy where you merely waggle the Wii remote around and pretend it's an instrument playing along to mediocre public domain music with no challenge or goal or stakes, and barebones options that leave the game with very little appeal.

If you can come to grips with this version's awkward controls, you'll find it's a solid remake of the classic game with lots of nice bonuses and new content that expands on the original, and it looks very nice for a DS game, especially for a launch title.

A fresh and effective action-JRPG borrowing elements from The Elder Scrolls as well as classic 8-bit RPG's such as the original Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy. Dragon's Dogma is a sprawling, compelling adventure with good quests, a good amount of polish, and great customization, and I gotta say this is probably the best RPG to come from Japan in a long time (not counting the Souls series which this game also takes some influence from).

An awesome strategy game that has the player diverting attention equally towards politics and city management, resource management and construction, and warfare, giving them the resources to potentially change the course of history and avert the catastrophes that eroded the Roman empire in the real world. A great game for history buffs that take interest in the subject but also just a great game for people in-general who enjoy managing an army and cultivating a society to conquer the world, for either benevolent or malevolent ends.

Persona 4 isn't the most groundbreaking JRPG, but it's one of the best, with a ton of heart, a great OST, great writing and memorable characters, fun combat and character progression, and a compelling mystery at the core of its story.

This game has about an 85% chance of making you want to adopt a real dog.

Pretty much the culmination of everything the other games had done right up to this point, IX is a masterpiece with a very charming, uplifting tone and atmosphere, an engaging plot, a really cool setting and art direction, and great characters.

"...the phantom, exterior like fish eggs- interior like suicide wrist red- I can exercise you- this could be your Phys. Ed- cheat on your man homi-AAAAGHHHH try to sneak through the door man! Can't make it. Can't make it the shit's STUCK!!! OUTTA MY WAY SON!!!! DOOOOOOOOR STUCK!!!!!!!!!!! DOOOOOOOOOOOOR STUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I BEG YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

CS 1.6 isn't as bombastic or content-packed as some of its contemporaries like say- UT99, but its tense, high stakes game modes, tactical gunplay, and excellent map design provide a boatload of good times regardless.