A fun open-world third-person shooter with stealth elements where you take control of a stereotypical 50's B-movie alien to subvert and conquer humans in American society, though the game doesn't take itself too seriously and has a goofy, endearing satirical tone and a lot of destructible environments and creative weaponry.

A fun beat 'em up reminiscent of the River City Ransom series with the stylish art direction of the comics and some very well-animated pixel graphics, along with a great co-op mode and some memorable boss fights. Sadly this game never got a proper PC port but it is possible to emulate the PS3 version on RPCS3 and you don't even need an especially powerful PC to do it.

9/10/20 Update: Nevermind it's coming to PC and Switch soon so there you go.

Though I can respect how the developers at-least tried to tie some of the story's themes into the gameplay, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on the NES has earned its notoriety with its awful, sluggish, and frustrating gameplay, confusing and punishing design, and ruthless difficulty. As a wise man once said, "I've had more fun playing with dog turds!"

It's not every day you see a game so catastrophically-awful that the publisher changes their mind about releasing it after it's gone on sale, retroactively cancelling it and refunding everyone that asks. What a trainwreck.

A great tactical RPG and one of the best games on the Genesis. Shining Force made a Hell of an impression in the West considering its localization predates the Ogre Battle series and Fire Emblem here.

A significant departure from the original, but a great third-person action adventure game with a surprisingly-compelling combat system that can feel all too familiar if you've ever played Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy, as this game was also developed by Raven Software and served as the basis for lightsaber combat and force powers in those games.

Though very antiquated and basic by today's standards, Mario Paint is a nice, comfy edutainment tool that had a profound impact on more creatively-inclined gamers in the early 90's, arguably still to this day to some degree thanks to its accessibility and simplicity that encouraged creativity bred from limitation. This is a game Bob Ross would probably have been proud of.

Taking more influence from the comics than the films, Sega CD's Terminator game is a solid run & gunner despite awkward aiming in some situations and some bullet spongy non-Terminator enemies. Tommy Tallarico's soundtrack absolutely kicks ass too, and is easily the most memorable part of the game.

Don't be fooled, this is the DOS version of Mega Man which is a botched, sodomized bastardization of its NES counterpart with abysmal level design, dreadful controls, poorly-implemented gameplay mechanics, lack of soundcard support, and crusty visuals. This was a real stinker even at the time, but at-least it attempted a proper sidescrolling engine which was uncommon for PC games at the time.

Among the worst unlicensed games on NES, Little Red Hood is a cheap, amateurish, lazy, and rushed piece of Chinese bootleg crap that I'd advise to steer clear of if you value your time.

An amusing bible-themed total conversion of Wolfenstein 3D, though its novelty wears thin pretty quick especially if you're already burnt-out from Wolf3D and its contemporaries since the level design's nothing special.

Not a riveting experience by any means, but a fun and bombastic 3D fighter with a great roster highly-recommended to any fan of the source material.

A fun sidescrolling action game elevated by its stellar presentation given its age, accurately representing the look and feel of the films, though its grueling level design and tough difficulty can deter less-patient players pretty quickly.

A charming and funny little TC levelpack for Doom made to be kid friendly, coming on a CD with a box of cereal and 100 free hours of AOL! Definitely the best free prize to come in a cereal box since you can't go wrong with Doom no matter how silly or juvenile it's presented.

A lame, buggy, and monotonous successor to a once-great franchise that's only really notable or memorable for being the only M-rated game in the series (which is interesting given its connection to Street Fighter) and for being one of the first games I remember where a character says the word "cunt."