849 reviews liked by cooldudium

fuck this one eyeball in particular

The review below this one reads "YOU SHOVEL SNOW ON ONE OF THESE MAPS". This is true, but they failed to mention that the boss at the end has a 25% crit chance on all of your units

Game’s probably okay idfk but it gets 5 stars for its legacy: an extremely funny wave of Starship Troopers discourse

If you guys know the Backloggd user "HiTheHello", I advise you steer clear of him. He's a basement-dwelling fucking slob who spent 46,000 hours on this game. He doxxed me and now I live under a rug in the Sahara Desert. Please be aware of this menace in our community.

Lucina is funny.

half way through playing this game, my mum came into my room to tell me she was divorcing my dad, left a kinda sour taste in my mouth tbh

There's a realism to the pre-Awakening FE that I really admire. The franchise has always been Anime, don't get me wrong. There's gonna be the occasional demon king and dragon war here and there. But the characters really tend to avoid too many trappings. There's a quiet fact of life to them. There's whole backstories you can only find in certain supports and quiet sort of tragedies you might not ever find. Most of your party is ordinary people. You aren't repeating the same character beats over and over. Its soothing.

But honestly, the stand out star is L'arachel. A loud, boastful woman yelling about her holy purpose to smite out evil. You think she'll be annoying on the first impression. But she charmed me really quickly as this lovable narcissist character. Its a hard character beat to land, but there's something endearing about someone running around going "I'm the best in the world and therefore you, my friend, are also the best by association." Papyrus Undertale is probably the best example, but its a winning formula. Her support chain with the main girl is also just the gayest shit in the world, with L'arachel chilling out her persona for a little to genuinely, truly bond with someone. It shows you how she can operate outside of those egotistic moments and be a real person for a while.

Fire Emblem games are pretty neat, I think. Just very charming and fun.

I replayed in April 2021 during exam season while stressing about failing Stats, my last required Math. I started to have heart palpitations about two days in. This game for sure caused it. This game is a fucking cultural wasteland. You can also fuck your cousin. Really incredible how they made this one. It's going to be gone from the eShop a whole month earlier too. People say it's bad to think that's a good thing. I ask if they have 400 hours in this game like I do. My hatred is measured and understandable. Fuck this game you will get subtweeted and dogpiled for disliking it it doesn't change that it sucks ass.

knowing that with the 3DS eShop's closure means this game will no longer be legitimately available is enough proof for me that there is a loving and merciful god out there.

Fuck you American industrialist Elisha Otis. You should have been doing whatever 19th century people did for fun instead of inventing the first safety elevator and causing the chain of events that would lead to this game's map design existing.