It's not "good" but it's fucking hilarious and so, so busted

I don't even fucking know anymore mate just stay away from this game ruined my fucking life

Dahlia Gillespie is hardcore for walking around on all these rusted metal grates barefoot

This is probably the best game ever if you need to write an essay for class

absolute kinography fuck what anyone else says


This game is the definition of “very good but not great”. Everything is very refined and well made and I can’t think of many real FLAWS with the game, but it just doesn’t peak super high. It’s just a fun time and not much more. Granted, it is quite skilled at being a fun time, but that’s not the only thing I want from a game. (Looks at selection of favorite games) uhhh… I mean… uh… ignore that statement.

quirky indie RPG about depression lookin ass

I genuinely can't tell if the game I just beat had a story so unintentionally awful that it becomes enjoyable again, or if it was the most genius narrative of all time, and I would not have it any other way

If you know me, you know I absolutely love games with demons in them. Demons are an avenue for artists to draw the most insane shit you have ever seen, absolutely nothing is off the table if you're designing a demon. There are games that I loved that I would not have even considered playing if they did not have demons in them, so saying "oh yeah, this game has demons in it!" is a really good way to get me to try it.

Helltaker is not a demon game. It is a game about women with horns and tails. 0/10, everyone lied to me when they said this was right up my alley. I do like a good suit, and I like how protag-kun's design has actual personality and isn't just the most generic thing you've ever seen, but I can't forgive false advertising like this. If you love demons, you will not get ANYTHING out of Helltaker. Smh.

Bro it ended so fast I have five billion questions but also the writing is really good it’s not like Persona where the gameplay is kind of uninteresting but the writing also sucks there IS no gameplay but the writing is actually freaking competent so who cares
I would say it’s not my type of game… but I’m kind of going through a crisis right now where I don’t know what my type of game even is so who knows? It was pretty nice. I especially like how the setting’s fantastical elements are very downplayed so when something magical does happen it’s like “what the actual fuck”

You know what? I'm not going to force myself to play a game that I do not find fun. Abandoning it after three hours is fine, it still sucks that I dropped 20 bucks on it that I can't get back since I surpassed the Steam refund window but I've spent more money on dumber things so who cares. Unfortunately, the "git gud" mentality seems to have done irreparable damage to the general public's ability to actually have sane conversations about this genre, which kind of sucks because it makes me afraid to speak my mind about Dark Souls because I'm pretty sensitive to being rejected.

To be clear, difficulty is absolutely not a bad thing in a video game. Some of my favorite games of all time are absolutely brutal, and I'm 100 percent on board with spending my free time bashing my head into a wall as long as I can get some form of enjoyment out of it. Dark Souls' problem is that it does not know what the fuck it is doing with its difficulty and overall feels like some people who KNOW how to make a good and fun and rewarding and well designed video game just decided to throw all of that knowledge out the window for shits and giggles. It's just completely exhausting to have to play the same part of the game over and over again and it doesn't really feel like you're making progress or improving at all. You just don't want to be in this situation anymore after a few failed attempts to get through... it just wears you out so quickly and probably doesn't even feel rewarding when you beat the stupid fucking guy on the bridge I don't know I'm not revisiting this any time soon.

Also, it turns out that for like an hour I was going in the wrong direction that I was not supposed to go in and getting frustrated because of how much I kept dying. Then I actually tried going in the right direction for once and... guess what it still sucks ass lmao Persona 4 Golden just got promoted I'm gonna add a half star to my review of it

as someone playing through it now i can't believe this was like the kinda last game in the franchise for a long time this is truly the most series ever it's been through basically everything a video game series can go through other than not having a ton of spinoffs it's truly been through the fuckin wringer hasn't it i feel an emotion that doesn't exist damn they weren't lyin when they said this game was unfinished

This is simultaneously one of the most and least accessible games I have ever played. The controls are comically simple, but this game will kick your ass if you don't know what the heck you're doing. It's on the Wii, which everyone probably has laying around somewhere, but a copy of this thing costs an ungodly amount of cash, very likely putting you down three digits. I got it complete in-box for 20 bucks a couple years ago at my local used game store, and it is now the most expensive game I own by a significant margin. If not for this bullshit, I'd say this is a game that anyone can play and enjoy, but due to the very high cash barrier to entry... I had to take it off of my list of good video games for beginners. Still pretty damn good tho

Atlus please port Chrome Dino to Firefox #breakfreechromedino

It’s a gacha game and it doesn’t even have Larry in it