Data analyst by day, learning game development by night. Improving my understanding of game design one game at a time.
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Not a massive Call of Duty fan in general, but this game blew my mind when it first came out. I have a lot of fond memories and nostalgia for it, particularly the first mission and All Ghillied Up. I think every time I come back to it though, I love it a little less, especially as the jingoism becomes a little bit less palatable on each playthrough. Nevertheless, I will probably keep returning as it transports me back to a time when video games seemed completely magical to me.

The first time I played this, I loved it. Having just finished it for a second time, I finally get it. Easily one of the best games I've ever played. It's almost impossible to me that this game was largely developed by one person - the depth of the puzzles, combat, lore, enemies and environments, is incredible. The central conceit to the game, the manual, is something I understood superficially the first time I played, but this time I really dug into how it truly worked, and it was honestly a mind-blowing experience peeling back the layers to understand how this world truly works.

I'm currently in the early stages of learning game development myself, and TUNIC is one of those games that I feel like if I (eventually) made something even remotely close to the level of quality of this someday, then I would be content with myself for the rest of my life.

TUNIC took seven years to develop, so I don't expect to hear from him soon, but I cannot wait to see what Andrew Shouldice produces next.


My second time completing this. Just as amazing as I remember it from about 5 years ago. I wasn't a Nintendo kid when I was younger, so I've been discovering classic Zelda games later in life. There are definitely games that are considered "classic" now that have that label mostly based on nostalgia and rose-tinted glasses, but this isn't one of them. This game is timeless, and, save for a few awkward UI elements, could be released today and feel contemporary.

In a way, this game makes me realise that video games haven't really changed much in the last 30 years. Yes, aesthetically things have changed, more complexity has been introduced, but many of the best games of today are still emulating the masters, like this one, when it comes to core mechanics and puzzle design. Immense.

Probably one of my favourite games of all time. 10/10