Beautiful and mechanically frustrating beyond articulation.

Someone pls explain how to enjoy this at 20 fps. The Victorians probably had better optimized games.

Everyone has their own skill check point in this game. For some, Genichiro, for me it was Snake Eyes Fujihara. Just a very crisp and therapeutic experience overall.

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Use of samples to modify environment at beginning showed promise of even more stimulating puzzles later on. No such thing ofc. Frankly I may as well have been Ellery, as there was very little point in or use of the fact that the suit is piloted by a separate entity as I can’t think of one meaningful interaction between the AI and Ellery as the yes or no questions had no discernible feedback through gameplay. It felt like you existed purely for her to talk at in order to make world exposition less cringy than in games with protagonists that constantly talk to themselves. It became semi-relevant to the plot later on ofc when you discover what comprises your circuitry. In a weird way, it’s like the entire plot is trying to provide a retroactive justification for the existence of the AI as a gameplay mechanic. Bcs thematically you could still perfectly well communicate the importance of conservation through other means and I think it does this well regardless. But I think the fact that the AI is itself the product of this planet, being an artificer doesn’t rlly serve the plot in any meaningful way. Many little technical things that could’ve been slightly more user friendly, but overall premise was so original. The ecosystem felt cool and fleshed out and even though Ellery’s dialogue was written poorly, as variations of ’we need to find out what’s up!’ were used about 30 times. The various blurbs describing the environment were all very concise and interesting though, as they helped to supplement in a perfectly conservative way, the large amount being left to the imagination. It did something new. It was well-paced and consistently the right level of intensity.

Steinbeck x liberal arts student.

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Soundtrack went from exceptionally to unbelievably good. The strangers as an antithetical counterpart to the nomai works perfectly. The aesthetic of the strangers, the world design, the gameplay loop of entering a graveyard dream and the ending is all just so cohesive. I have to wonder what it would be like playing the base game for the first time with the dlc.

My balls finally dropped during Balteus fight.
Soundtrack already exceptional but techno bunker x pile bunker is the righteous way for ng+

Synthetic nostalgia. No previous Zelda played but the novelty, exploration and charm was able give the same enchantment as the very first games did.

Peak vulnerability fantasy. Multiple things I’d change but overall mood and core gameplay loop so cohesive and meditative.

Extremely charming. The world never felt too daunting in spite of scale and did a good job threading the needle of always providing a multitude of exploratory choices without overwhelming the player to the point of feeling directionless. Lore exposition was also nice and subtle.