140 Reviews liked by danoxmas

As broken and ridiculous as its source material. In some ways it's an interesting approach to gameplay with dialogue trees and a fairly impressive amount of voice acting, but in another more accurate way it's an extremely frustrating game with lousy combat, abysmal escort missions, and an overall level of jank that leads to hilarious glitches like Qui-Gon leaping through a floor and plummeting to the core of Tatooine or Obi-Wan dying in a cutscene by getting trapped in the laser walls while trying to reach Darth Maul. A part of me will always love it for being so weird and unique, but I have no reason to ever play it again.

Similar in structure and gameplay style as the first game, except this time in Threeee Deeee. New features include platforming that doesn't feel good and music so grating you'll do an Uzumaki and stab yourself in the damn ears just to escape the agony. Tomba 2 is bad, but apparently it has a small and loyal group of fans, and that's nice. I'm glad they had fun with this, because I absolutely did not.

Visually I think this looks pretty good for a PS1 game, but a strong aesthetic does not translate into fun gameplay. Everything just feels a bit more wonky than it should, the deliberate and thoughtful design of its predecessor is gone in favor of something that feels downright unwieldy. Put Tomba over a bottomless pit for a while and you'll have me begging for the sweet mercy of death.

My time with this game has conditioned me to have an almost sort of pavlovian response to it. I think about Tomba 2 and all that comes to mind is feebly trying to get this pink haired bastard to do what I tell him to. Grab the vine, Tomba! Land the jump or so help me god I will strike you! Talking about this game makes me angry and capable of great evils.

Game is not user friendly. Difficult to know where you are going without a guide and does not give good direction to where you should do next. The weapon and outfit system while fun is very time consuming. The platforming is awful and story not above cliched. I forced myself through the end as this was a game I had as a kid and wanted to complete.

It's honestly fun, but waaay too hard man for my kid self

I love that these dudes who struggle to follow me down a straight hallway honestly think they could take down Gordon Freeman.

Navigating and moving through God of War's world is tedious and boring. Combat isn't expanded enough from the first game - encounters became so dull in the second half.

The beginning and the ending are both incredible but the story is all over the place for much of the experience. I wish the game was more linear - more focused.

2018's God of War was refreshing, the combat was so different from the other games, and the exploration was a welcome addition to the series. But the sharpness from the first game has dulled quite a lot. Nearly none of the issues from the first game were addressed.

I also still hate how combat difficulty is nearly entirely based on your player level - makes counquering bosses feel less satisfying.

Presentation wise - it excells in every aspect. And again the emotional story beats are done exceptionally well. I enjoyed the game - just wish it was buttoned up and shorter - i dont think the gameplay loop can sustain a 20+ hour experience.

Amazing. Goes from silly cartoon boss fights to heartbreaking tragedy in some of the tightest PS2 games I've ever found at a Goodwill.

Only thing holding up this game is my nostalgia and the alright soundtrack

I should go play this game again. Because if my memories serve me well, this is not a good game.

The 80s aesthetic feels so tired in 2020 but when Hotline Miami came out it felt so fresh and exciting. The blood-pumping music, the frenetic gameplay, everything just melted together into a cocaine induced synth-wave nightmare.

And thats what its all about

its about family

A braindead hack n slash with a decent setting but overall so goddamn boring I couldn't even get halfway through it.