Why do I always feel like buying "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005" and Axe body spray after playing this????

A fun game I probably would've obsessed over in middle school during computer class trying to 100%. It's simple and addicting but not enough to warrant completing all the goals. It was just nice to return to the world of Minit and I really REALLY a proper sequel isn't too far away.

Like a lot of people, the destruction physics in the demo for this game blew my mind at the time. Playing the main game now... just awful. The driving is some of the worst I've ever played, the combat mechanics are so weak, the level design is repetitive and bland, not even going to comment on the story or characters because those are basically non existent. I wonder if this was meant as a purely multiplayer experience because every aspect of the main game feels like an afterthought. I don't even think every game designed around multiplayer NEEDS a single player campaign because they usually end up feeling like this, why did they even bother? Did anyone like the campaign? It's really sad that those super rough early Call of Duty games have more personality and a sense of epic war scale than this which has more tools to work with. Really a miserable experience, I'll be playing the sequel just to see if they improved anything or at the very least learned to rip off the much better shooters. Fuck this game for wasting my weekend.

Well it's a noticeable improvement from whatever the first game's campaign was, though that's not saying much. For sure feels like they were trying to design more memorable setpieces and thoughtful level design akin to the Call of Duty games. But the story and characters are still weak; the opening mission set in the flashback was actually really effective tho once you realize the plot is just another "macguffin super weapon", you've already seen this before and it's over way too fast.

It's really sad that "Stranglehold" (made 5 years prior) feels way more fun as a shooter even for all it's flaws. I'd love Rockstar to come back to making a crazy shooter but this was just so boring and obnoxious throughout. The best parts are the flashback stuff, maybe they should just remake the early Max Payne games??

Can you even how amazing a follow-up game would be on next gen consoles?


What a fun imaginative FPS! The gravity stuff was throughly fun, would’ve loved more puzzles but even just blasting enemies and watching them fly towards the ground never got old. The portals were also a neat way of segueing the levels, who knows how much they could’ve done had the sequel actually been made 😔 The only real downside is the world isn’t particularly visually interesting when it’s not reincorporating all the Earth stuff that’s spread around the ship.

A sequel that improves and updates some of the mechanics but overall feels about as aimless if not more than the original. Call the first game dated but at least once you got to the Vegas strip and began plowing through casino hotels, the game delivers on its premise for the most part.

Disregarding the dumb pointless plot, the combat in this is one of a kind! It’s super satisfying stringing together a bunch of curved bullets, and the snappy cover system is pretty good. Would love to see this type of shooter on a next gen system without all the loading screens (ideally as an original IP not based on a forgettable movie from the 2000s).

Progressively gaining the ability to jump higher and run faster is especially fun when you can storm a heavily fortified base and b-line directly to kick the head boss off a building that used to seem impossible. HOWEVER, that's not enough to save this from being an overall tedious experience. If you've played a sandbox game with cheats you've played a better version of this, simply slapping a cel shader on everything doesn't hide how bland this world and characters are. The limited arsenal also feels like a missed opportunity. This only started being fun literally at the very end when I was all powered up, meanwhile most of the game is spent trying to find a way onto a building and looking for orbs to hopefully make the game more fun.

Go play “Wanted: Weapons of Fate”..

Not as much fun as the 1st HAWX.
The best thing to come out of these games were the MEGA64 ads.

For a simple movie tie-in game, this was charming and reminded me a lot of what I loved about the film’s unique art style. Snoopy looks great as a platformer but doesn’t play too smoothly (grabbing onto ledges would’ve helped).

A fun 3rd person shooter with surprisingly inspired direction that’s unfortunately still attached to a mediocre story and forgettable setting.